Tim at Challies has a post that is well worth reading called Theology As Idolatry. Us Reformed folk take our theology seriously. It is one of the things I appreciate about the Reformed tradition. However, Scripture also warns us about how knowledge puffs up.
There is a tendency in our denomination to focus too much on the head and not enough on the heart. The truth of God's word, and our study of God, should result in a transformed heart.
Studying about God helps us know more about Him. But there is a second kind of knowing that is equally important. It is called "knowledge by acquaintance". It is the way we know God personally ... that is, we have intimacy with God. The danger in focusing strictly on propositional knowledge gained through theological studies, is that we miss this second type of knowledge altogether. And, as Tim points out, we are tempted to try to earn God's favor through our studies of Him. I would add that we are also tempted to boast about our knowledge of God ... which is another form earning our righteousness.
We need to know about God and know God ... and the result should be a renewed mind and heart ... and humility.
Posted by: dopderbeck | June 08, 2005 at 09:07