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August 16, 2005


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It's a great book and the chapter on judgement is especially intriguing.

While he does not absolve the Psalmists of their vindictiveness, Jack does rightly point out the need for anger (or perhaps the more appropriate word is indignation).

"Against all this the ferocious parts of the Psalms serve as a reminder that there is in the world such a thing as wickedness and that it (if not its perpetrators) is hateful to God."


I believe your quote is from the chapter on the curses -- which I read today and will post on tomorrow.

Those curses are quite shocking. Imagine praying for someone's children to wander as fatherless beggars. Stunning when you think about it.

I have been reading the Psalms for so many years, that the shock of those curses is gone. Reading Lewis brought them right back!

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