I am having one of those weeks. We are in the midst of a major transition in our household. We have home schooled all of our children from day one. This week that changed. Our oldest two children started in a private school on Monday. The transition for our family has been huge. We have new schedules, new issues and new rhythms to adjust to. The jump from home school to traditional school is big.
My blog is beginning to remind me of my nightstand ... which is overcrowded with books half-read. I have several blog posts started and sitting in draft ... and several others I am writing in my mind.
After two slow chapters in the C.S. Lewis Reflections On The Psalms, I struck gold in chapter six, "Sweeter Than Honey". Ever wonder why the poets were thrilled and delighted with God's law ... not his grace, mind you ... but the law. They considered it more precious than silver and gold and sweeter than honey. Seems like an odd reaction to a bunch of rules and restrictions ... or is it ...
A second post I started unpacks the phrase "engage culture". Christians use this term all the time. What does it mean? Is it just a euphemism for political action as Phil Johnson suggests?
A third post explores natural law and its relationship to engaging culture. How does this concept fit in a reformed / Calvinistic framework? It was spawned by Scott Klusendorf's rejoinder of Christians who have a "gospel only" mindset when it comes to engaging culture. This topic is so big that I am tempted to just give up -- or pick one tiny part of it and post on it.
A fourth IDea I have to post on is Reasons To Believe's stance on intelligent design. RTB opposes teaching intelligent design in schools. They are also critical of the reluctance of ID'ers to name the designer.
Another brewing post is a criticism of Tim Challies' review of McArthur's Battle for The Beginning. Tim (who is a great reviewer) commits a common faux pas in his analysis.
Finally, I am reading Mark Levin's book, Men In Black. Interesting book. It is stirring up some thoughts on judicial activism.
Given the week I am having, I will be doing well to get any one of these done.