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September 22, 2005


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I am a Christian who many years ago was a child in Bob Meehan's programs. I also worked for them as a counselor for many years. I worked for Bob Meehan personally. I can tell you without a doubt that his programs are cults. Recent news articles by former members (over 200 strong on a few websites for survivors of this cult) caused Bob to publicly state that he had retired and his son-in-law was now running all of his programs. Rest assured, Bob Meehan is as much in control of his organization as he ever was. His son-in-law has spent the better part of his life (I've known him personally) as a member of this cult and is as indoctrinated as anyone has ever been by Bob and Joy Meehan. There is so much I could say about this. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO THESE PEOPLE! THEY ARE ANTI-GOD, ANTI-CHRISTIAN, and NOT SAFE INDIVIDUALS! They are con-artists and they are the last people who should be entrusted with the welfare of your children.


I tend to agree with your sentiments. Why use the term cult? Why not just call Bob Meehan's programs a scam and leave it at that?

Also, what do you tell people when they say you are just a disgruntled ex-employee? (I am not making that claim, btw ... but I am sure you have heard that argument all the time).

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