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November 17, 2005


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All this talk of Eugenics is making me think about one of my favorite movies: Gattaca.

Have you seen it, Jeff? If not, it would be a great movie to view and even post a review of it in the theme of this discussion of Eugenics.

Yes, I saw it during my Centurions year. I'll never forget the scene where he "interviews" for a job, and they take a cheek swab, ask no questions, and then thank him for interviewing.

The movie hit a home run in demonstrating what positive eugenics looks like ... keeping the genes as pure as possible.

People are instantly turned off by negative eugenics because of the Nazi Germany experience and the American eugenics movement.

The positive eugenics movement, however, has a lot of traction in this country and in Europe. Just look at the whole notion of "designer babies" ... look at genetic screening of human fetuses ... and yes, genetic screening of embryos before they are implanted.

We are rushing headlong toward positive eugenics ... and Gattaca revealed what a chilling world that would be.

I have a slightly different take on this - political eugenics - check out my Politics, Eugenics and Evolution

I was just re-reading "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" and this morning read the chapter on the Dufflepuds. I've long been a fan of the Narnia books, but it wasn't until this reading that I noticed some discomfort with the cavalier way that C.S. Lewis has his "magician" discuss physical changes (with Lucy) that were made or could be made to the Dufflepuds.

The "magician" is represented as a servant of Aslan, but he's also, evidently, human. Are the parallels that I see here, to Eugenics, just in my head, or does anyone else see them?

I am going to go back and re-read the passage you are talking about.

I have never connected the dots between the magician and eugenics as you have suggested.

I am intrigued by your speculation.

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