I looked at the stories which captured my attention in 2005 from 50,000 feet. Time to ease the stick forward, descend to tree top level, and introspect a bit.
- Apologetics. I am sliding more toward presuppositional apologetics each year. I began morphing from classical/evidential to presupp in 2004. The trend continued in 2005. At the end of 2004, I would guess that I was 60 percent evidential and 40 percent presuppositional in my belief and methodology. I am now about 50-50. Evidential apologetics, I am convinced, is best used in post-evangelism. Presuppositional apologetics is the most effective in pre-evangelism. The challenge to Christians is how to put a kinder, gentler face on presuppositional apologetics: more like Francis Schaeffer and less like Greg Bahnsen.
- Worldview Teaching. My plan to network through RUF ministers and speak on campuses in Virginia and North Carolina never materialized. I quickly came to realize that I am not at the right stage in life to be in a mentoring ministry to college students. I spoke at a worldview conference in Greensboro in the spring. That was a great experience, but it has one major drawback for me. It is difficult to follow up with folks you teach there and deepen the impact of worldview teaching. Taking people through a paradigm shift in their thinking in 45 minutes is neigh on impossible. The conference becomes a mountain top experience. But once you go away from the conference, then what?
- Cultural Engagement My cultural engagement was almost entirely on the internet in 2005. That stinks, quite frankly. The internet is a good place to practice, but the real deal is in person. I did a movie night this year with some of the college kids from church. I loved it. Need to more of that in 2006. I attended two Pigfests in 2005, and I hope to bump that up to hosting a Pigfest every month at the house. My blogging in 2005 transitioned away from doing a lot of original thinking to piggy backing and linking to the work of others. I still spend too much time yammering in comment threads.
- Ecclesiology and Theology. No change here. Still PCA - Reformed (kinder gentler Calvinistic world and life view) - Covenantal - Amill - Sonship - heavy emphasis on Grace - transmodernist in my overall epistemology - half presupp, half evidential in my apologetics - correspondence view of truth - justifed true beliefism view of knowledge - still old earth / young adam - love contemporary worship - love the hymns - high regard for history and tradition - love Presbyterians because they are great thinkers but wish they were a little less frozen :-) - yada yada
Looking forward to 2006
- Cultural Engagement. I plan on diving into the Pigfest ministry in a big way in 2006. Look for a lot of Pigfest posts. I also hope to get one article published with either Breakpoint, By Faith magazine or perhaps even Touchstone Magazine. Time to get out of my comfort zone and attempt a bigger writing project.
- Church. I will be part of a PCA church plant in Roanoke. I plan on teaching in some capacity and being involved in outreach to Roanoke. I am absolutely thrilled with the incoming pastor Ed Dunnington. The people who know Ed speak in glowing terms about him. I met him and spoke briefly with him. If my thin slicing is any good, then Ed will be a tremendous leader.
- Learning. I plan on learning more about the Emergent church in 2006. I also want to continue exploring positive eugenics and studying how the eugenics movement took hold in America and then later in Nazi Germany. Where was the church? I would like to start reading G.K. Chesterton and read the entire works of C.S. Lewis.
- Blogging. Hopefully more original posts and fewer fluff posts. I need to participate more on the group blogs than I did last year. I have a series on apologetics I would love to do at Cadre. I hope to have more personal worldview narratives to post over at ESI. I need to figure out a good search tool to use on TDT. Any suggestions? Probably less participation in the comment threads. I need to narrow my reading to about ten high quality blogs.
Happy New Year everyone!
Wanna partner up on an Article for a bigger publication about Pigfests? I agree that these are great tools.
I filled Chuck in on the Pigfest idea. He loves it. I think Breakpoint would be a great outlet for this.
Posted by: Brian | December 29, 2005 at 12:08
You using an RSS reader? Which one?
That has helped me in efficiently reading all the blogs and MSM that I want to keep up with.
Posted by: Brian | December 29, 2005 at 12:09
I use the Bloglines RSS reader to read new blog content. I just need to narrow my blog reading down some. Tell me what MSM / RSS feeds you subscribe to.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | December 30, 2005 at 07:14
I want to add a search tool to TDT. What do you recommend? I don't particularly like Google's site search tool ... are there better ones out there?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | December 30, 2005 at 07:21
I probably read too many feeds. But I can send you my OPML file.
For my reader I use Feed on Feeds which is a server side tool. It aggregates everything every 20 minutes. I can check it anytime from anywhere and it will be there.
I find using the "Flag All Items" and "Mark as Read" liberally helps to cut down on the time it takes to keep up with feeds.
I am not sure about the Search Tool. We could discuss this in January and you can show me the interface on the backend of your blog when I am down in Roanoke. I am farmiliar with the Google search and from what I have seen it takes you offsite. That isn't ideal.
I am using the built in search in b2evolution and MovableType.
Happy New Year!
Posted by: Brian | December 30, 2005 at 10:19