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December 29, 2005


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Wanna partner up on an Article for a bigger publication about Pigfests? I agree that these are great tools.

I filled Chuck in on the Pigfest idea. He loves it. I think Breakpoint would be a great outlet for this.

You using an RSS reader? Which one?

That has helped me in efficiently reading all the blogs and MSM that I want to keep up with.

I use the Bloglines RSS reader to read new blog content. I just need to narrow my blog reading down some. Tell me what MSM / RSS feeds you subscribe to.


I want to add a search tool to TDT. What do you recommend? I don't particularly like Google's site search tool ... are there better ones out there?


I probably read too many feeds. But I can send you my OPML file.

For my reader I use Feed on Feeds which is a server side tool. It aggregates everything every 20 minutes. I can check it anytime from anywhere and it will be there.

I find using the "Flag All Items" and "Mark as Read" liberally helps to cut down on the time it takes to keep up with feeds.

I am not sure about the Search Tool. We could discuss this in January and you can show me the interface on the backend of your blog when I am down in Roanoke. I am farmiliar with the Google search and from what I have seen it takes you offsite. That isn't ideal.

I am using the built in search in b2evolution and MovableType.

Happy New Year!

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