Think all Calvinists are frozen, puffed up know-it-alls? Then you need to read Richard Mouw's, .
The bizarre title is taken from a scene in the movie Hardcore, where the character played by George C. Scott esplains Calvinism to a thoroughly pagan young lady named Niki while they are sitting in the Las Vegas airport. It is a humorous (and disturbing) microcosm of how awkward and difficult it can be to witness to an unbeliever when you lead with TULIP.
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The fourth proposition of the Pigfest on the 17th was "We should not give gifts at Christmas because this contributes to the over commercialization of Christmas and detracts from a focus on the incarnation of Christ. "
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Aaron presented the third proposition: School should only be mandatory through the sixth grade. After that, apprenticeships should be offered to kids who are not academic types. Families, and not the government, should make this determination.
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Paul's proposition was that it was wrong for the European newspapers to publish the cartoons of Muhammed. It was wrong because the editors showed a lack of responsibility. They knew it would inflame Muslims and it served no purpose to publish the toons.
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Our first Pigfest topic was "The government and the church are both complicit in undermining the family by accepting and even encouraging single parent homes as normal. Either we need to be encouraging marriage, or encouraging adoption as a better alternative to single parent homes."
Continue reading "Pigfest Postscript #1: Single Parent Families" »
It was once again a night of conviviality and conversation. Twenty-four people made it to our house for the Pigfest. We discussed four propositions.
Mary presented our first proposition. (my paraphrase) The government and the church are both complicit in undermining the family by accepting and even encouraging single parent homes as normal. Either we need to be encouraging marriage, or encouraging adoption as a better alternative to single parent homes.
Paul presented the second proposition: It was wrong for the European newspapers to publish the cartoons of Mohammed. It was wrong because the editors showed a lack of responsibility. They knew it would inflame Muslims and it served no purpose to publish the toons.
Aaron presented the third proposition: School should only be mandatory through the sixth grade. After that, apprenticeships should be offered to kids who are not academic types. Families, and not the government, should make this determination.
Morgan presented the final proposition: We should not give gifts at Christmas because this contributes to the over commercialization of Christmas and detracts from a focus on the incarnation of Christ.
Continue reading "Notes From The Feb 17th Pigfest" »