If there was any doubt The Da Vinci Code was going to make a gazillion dollars at the box office, it just vanished ... the doubt that is. Now I know it will make a gazillion dollars. A has called for catholics to boycott the film.
If your strategy was to get people to not watch the film, you should have ignored it. Calling for a boycott is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Now people will want to see it more than ever. Dumb move.
In my opinion, this film is a gift to the church. Why would I say that? Because the cultural conversation will be focused on an area of the strong evidential aspects of Christianity: history, and in particular, the resurrection Christ. The arguments raised in the DVC are flimsy and old news ... smart church leaders should be gearing up to train their members how to ask good Columbo questions to fans of theories of the DVC -- and how to defend the reality of the resurrection.
Thank you Dan Brown!
I can not wait for the rebound effect. Despite what the intention of the movie is, it will cause more then a few people to start thinking, asking questions and maybe, just maybe opening a Bible.
We are a nation of seekers. We have to provide an answer to the question though when it is asked.
Posted by: Carl Holmes | April 28, 2006 at 20:49
Great post. I saw Drudge post the Vatican story and thought the same thing! I have read the book, as well as 3-4 good refutations of DVC. This is a movie that will serve as a springboard to talk about history! As a history major, the book is offensive due to Brown's shoddy timelines and "facts." I'm sure Teabing would NEVER be teaching in a university worth its salt! I put him in the camp of "the great Pretender." Remember the guy who pretended to be everything, including a college professor!
Posted by: BWB | April 29, 2006 at 09:01
How about if I don't boycott it, but I don't go see it simply because it isn't my kind of movie. For some reason I just don't picture it as a musical comedy.
'Zat OK? Just curious. (hehe)
Posted by: Danny Kaye | April 29, 2006 at 20:22
I thought the exact same thing. It is kinda' like when the old Last Temptation of Christ movie came out 15 years ago or so. I remember the big uproar and the calls for boycott, and all it did was drive a bunch of people who didn't know anything about the film and didn't care about the film to go see it because it was supporting freedom of speech. Bascially, it made a movie that was poised to fall flat at the box office into a money-maker.
Posted by: BK | May 01, 2006 at 08:50
Just out of curiosity, what evidence do you have for the ressurection?
As for the boycott, normally I would agree with you, but this piece of tripe (the only books I hold in more contempt than the Da Vinci Code are the Left Behind books. Why oh why can't we have runaway bestsellers written by competant writers who can plot for a change?) has been hyped from here to gone. It was going to be huge anyway. This way, the Church gets its voice out on the matter and injects some skepticism into the coverage. While Opu Dei is a pretty revolting organization, they are hardly yhe evil masterminds of the novel, and the "theory" its "plot" is based upon is just pure dreck.
LToC was a great movie. It saddens me that more people don't see just how affirming of Christian principles that movies like it and Dogma really are. Those are the best two religious movies of my lifetime, hands down.
Posted by: kevin | May 01, 2006 at 11:01
Who here doesn't believe that the producers of these types of films are the ones who initiate the "uproar" about these films. (Oh...look at that! No hands went up.)
It is the best free publicity scheme they have come up with yet. They may be stupid enough to not fear God. But they are not stupid in the ways of the world.
Posted by: Danny Kaye | May 01, 2006 at 11:04
I have only seen the tail end of LTofC and cannot comment about its theological significance. I know that I was not interested in the film when it came out, and what bits and pieces I have seen of it on the "Late, Late, Late Show" have not encouraged me to rush out and rent it.
Posted by: BK | May 01, 2006 at 11:21
"and what bits and pieces I have seen of it on the "Late, Late, Late Show" have not encouraged me to rush out and rent it."
They show clips of that on a TV show? I suspect something just went right over the top of my head ...
Posted by: kevin | May 01, 2006 at 13:40
You make a good point. Here in Knoxville, groups protested the play Corpus Christi when it was performed at U.T.; sellout crowds were the result. A play is just a play, and a movie is just a movie until it becomes a spectacle. When that happens, success is assured.
I would never have seen Farenheit 911 if people hadn't made such a fuss over it.
Posted by: Rob Ryan | May 01, 2006 at 13:51
Re: "How about if I don't boycott it, but I don't go see it simply because it isn't my kind of movie."
Well ... ok. Just have a good answer when your secular friends ask you, "what did you think of the Da Vinci Code?". Don't say, "not my kind of movie". Have something better to come back with :)
"Just out of curiosity, what evidence do you have for the ressurection?"
The empty tomb, the numerous post-resurrection appearances, the changed lives of the apostles, the explosion of the early church, and the circumstantial evidence supporting the resurrection.
Given the weight of that, the best explanation is that the resurrection actually happened. Without a precommitment to "resurrections are miracles, and miracles can't happen", then the evidence is quite good that it happened.
Do you believe it happened? If not, what evidence do you have against it?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 01, 2006 at 18:26
All I meant is that I have seen bits and pieces of the movie when it has run on some late night movie from time to time on television. The parts I saw haven't impressed me much, but that may be because I haven't seen enough to get into the flow of the movie. That's all I was saying.
Posted by: BK | May 02, 2006 at 10:24
I'm not usually interested in movies that are hyped for being "controvertial"... or those that are too self-conscious about addressing religion.
But seriously, was the book any good? I'm not a mystery reader and I'm not usually a thriller reader. The last thing even vaguely similar to DVC that I read was probably Name of the Rose, many years ago. What's everyone's opinion on DVC as a work of fiction -- overhyped, or interesting?
Posted by: carlaviii | May 02, 2006 at 13:06
"The empty tomb, the numerous post-resurrection appearances, the changed lives of the apostles, the explosion of the early church, and the circumstantial evidence supporting the resurrection."
Most of that is not really good evidence. the empty tomb and the post-resureection appearances have only been recorded at a time much removed from the original eyewitnesses. The eye witnesses themselves all had an agenda to advance that the ressurection compliments. It isn't court worthy, thats for sure.
The only thing that is compelling is that the disciples then wen ton to found a world religion, often at the cost of their lives. something happened to those men and women to motivate them so.
"Do you believe it happened?"
Dunno. Its possible. I will find out when I die, I suppose.
"If not, what evidence do you have against it? "
Uh-uh, not how this works. if I tell you that giant Leprecans are eating my brain, I must provide evidence for my contention -- you don't have to prove me wrong.
Posted by: kevin | May 03, 2006 at 11:13
"Uh-uh, not how this works. if I tell you that giant Leprecans are eating my brain, I must provide evidence for my contention -- you don't have to prove me wrong."
Or you can offer defeaters to any positive evidence I present -- like you just attempted to do. :)
Here is a more relevant question to our discussion. What difference would it make in your life if it really did happen? Seriously, what would happen?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 03, 2006 at 12:28
"What's everyone's opinion on DVC as a work of fiction -- overhyped, or interesting?"
I was entertained. Other than the historical gaffes and anti-Christian agenda, I thought the story line was interesting.
The book is clearly overhyped. It is not that good. I think it offers a useful opening to a conversation about church history and reliability of NT books -- and why the gnostic books were never seriously considered as part of Holy scripture. It has value for those reasons.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 03, 2006 at 12:32
Couple of points:
1. Don't remember where I read/heard it, but boycotting definiteley is not the answer. Simply not going is one way to do it, but not as effective, since this is not how Hollywood's "ballots" are cast. By refusing to go to the movies, it is like not voting at an election. It doesn't count for anything.
If you truly want to make a statement to Hollywood, you go to the movies and buy a ticket to a different movie. This way, the numbers that go to Hollywood indicate that you'd rather be seeing something else.
2. The book and the movie have created an incredible opportunity for Christians to discuss history, church history, art and scriptures with the average Joe on the streets. I can't tell you how many times I've had conversations with co-workers or other folks I rub shoulders with that normally wouldn't touch conversations of the "religious" type with a ten-foot pole.
I have to admit, while I was more prepared than some to handle the questions, I could not have done it without the extra preparation provided by our Sunday School teacher at church - an engineer who holds a degree in Christian Thought. We held debates and even had homework. We've dug through the Council of Nicaea, Constantine, historicity of scriptures (in comparison with other historical documents) as well as having had to read several Gnostic Gospels.
Let's use this to our advantage!
Posted by: Sonia | May 03, 2006 at 12:59
""What's everyone's opinion on DVC as a work of fiction -- overhyped, or interesting?""
Oh, it is awful. It is one of like three books in my life I haven't been able to finish. The writing is terrible, the characters are a joke and the plot is insulting to your intelligence.
"What difference would it make in your life if it really did happen? Seriously, what would happen?"
Nothing. I live my life in what I think is a moral fashion. Whether or not there is a God, whether or not there was a ressurection wouldn't change any of that. To be blunt - I find the Biblical case for "faith" alone to be almost as weak as the one against homosexuality, and I find the concept of hell completely incompatable with an a just and powerful God. Frankly, leaving lousy evidence for His exstance around and then punishing people who don't buy it, or who never got a real chance to see the evidence is a ridiculously human thing to do for an amnibenevolent, omnipotent God to do.
Posted by: kevin | May 03, 2006 at 14:52
"The writing is terrible, the characters are a joke and the plot is insulting to your intelligence."
But tell me how you really feel ... :) I have heard others bash this book using the same language. Brown's writing really rubs some people the wrong way.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 03, 2006 at 18:05
"Nothing. I live my life in what I think is a moral fashion. Whether or not there is a God, whether or not there was a ressurection wouldn't change any of that. To be blunt - I find the Biblical case for "faith" alone to be almost as weak as the one against homosexuality, and I find the concept of hell completely incompatable with an a just and powerful God. Frankly, leaving lousy evidence for His exstance around and then punishing people who don't buy it, or who never got a real chance to see the evidence is a ridiculously human thing to do for an amnibenevolent, omnipotent God to do."
I appreciate your honesty. I really mean that. That clears up a lot of things for me. Your issue has nothing really to do with evidence -- because if God left you an authentic video tape of the resurrection it simply would not change things.
Let me be blunt. Your issue is that you think God, as you perceive him to be depicted in the Bible, is unfair.
That is why I am reticent to get into debating evidences about the resurrection and proving things because it is really tangential.
I noticed you talk a lot about God being unfair. Do you think Jesus Christ is unfair too?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 03, 2006 at 18:29
Your issue has nothing really to do with evidence -- because if God left you an authentic video tape of the resurrection it simply would not change things.
I don't think that's fair, at least not as directed at Kevin (at me, maybe); in Kevin's case, he doesn't hold his position despite the evidence; he holds it in large part because of the evidence (or, more appropriately, the lack thereof). What you have cited here as "evidence" would not be considered compelling by any serious investigator. Virtually all of your evidence ultimately boils down to nineteen hundred year old hearsay.
For example, we don't have an empty tomb. If we did, you could take me there. And even if we did, it proves nothing about whether Jesus rose from the dead, or if it was just a tall tale that grew with the telling. (We've got the Garden Tomb, and we've got the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, of course, but neither of those is consistent with scripture, and both are highly contested, even though they remain tourist favorites.)
Further, the idea that Jesus would have been buried at all is highly suspect and inconsistent with history. Crucifiction was intended to be a visual punishment and visual deterrent. It was like hanging pirates in the 16th and 17th centuries. You didn't take them down and bury them after they died; you left them up there to rot. Taking him down and burying him in a tomb would have defeated the purpose of crucifiction.
I noticed you talk a lot about God being unfair. Do you think Jesus Christ is unfair too?
Trick question! They're the same guy! (Except when they're not, of course. Like when Jesus begs God to let him avoid his fate; or when Jesus asks God why He forsook him. "My Self, My Self, Why hath I forsaken Me?")
Posted by: tgirsch | May 05, 2006 at 14:47
"Your issue has nothing really to do with evidence -- because if God left you an authentic video tape of the resurrection it simply would not change things."
I think you are transposing two notions here, partly due to my glibness. The literal truth of the resurrection doesn't change my moral code, because it doesn't do anything to address the problems I have with the authenticity of the Bible and with certian interpretatiosn of the Bible. My lines about homosexuality and hell were not flippant -- they are very serious. I have looked into the case against homosexuality and the case for hell, and neither is supported by scripture very well at all. The literal truth of the resurrection , while ending my doubts about the existance of God of course, would do nothing to change my mind on those issues.
In the end, the mere existance of a God tells me nothing about the accuracy of the translation of the Bible, the decisiosn to put given books in the Bible, or even the choice of the Bible as the religious text as opposed to the Koran or whatever the Shintos use, if they use anything.
As for human evidence, well, miracles are next to impossible to prove. But if there was a gospel written down by a disciple shortly after the event, that would be more compelling than the current gospels. If there were several of those kinds of gospels, that would weigh even more, and if there were accounts by ancient historians detailing the belief in the resurrection very shortly after the death of Jesus, that would weigh even more. None of it would be absolute proof, but I would certianly have to give the story the benefit of the doubt at that point, especially comgined with the very tangible evidence of the existance of a new religion based on the event.
"Your issue is that you think God, as you perceive him to be depicted in the Bible, is unfair."
Not so much in the Bible, though I do think his answer to Job is kinda crap and that he needs to provide a better justification for a lot of the New Testament slaughter. (And yes, it is presumtious of me to question God to a certian extent. But, well, I am a little "d" democrat at heart. Power does not impress me ;), accountablity does). But man -- hundreds of children have been killed in Iraq. That's not fair. Millions of kids die before they reach voting age. That's not fair. rapists, murderes, all go free. That's not fair. Henry Kissinger will almost certainly die a free man. That's not fair. In all seriousness, the only question that I want to ask God if He exists is "What the hell are you doing?".
Posted by: kevin | May 05, 2006 at 15:28
"Brown's writing really rubs some people the wrong way."
There are two reason people are motivated to try and get published: "I want to write just liek author X" and "I cannot believe that hack author Y could get his garbage published."
Dan Brown will inspire many people. I will leave it up to you to decide if the motivation is more likely to come from the first or the second option :)
Posted by: kevin | May 05, 2006 at 15:31
"In all seriousness, the only question that I want to ask God if He exists is "What the ---- are you doing?".
Maybe, kevin, instead of God not being fair, it is that your view of what He is doing is not complete. He can see the big picture, the plan, and we can only see a part of it. Maybe your judgement of Him isn't fair, as you don't know the full reason of His decisions. If someone judges you for making a decision they didn't think was right, but they do not know everything that happened, you might not think their judgement of you is fair.
The thing is, God does not tell us what He is doing or why He is doing things the way He does. Even if He did, we still probably would not understand it, because our sinful minds do not think about things the way God does - perfectly.
Posted by: Rachael | May 06, 2006 at 17:57
"The literal truth of the resurrection doesn't change my moral code, because it doesn't do anything to address the problems I have with the authenticity of the Bible and with certian interpretatiosn of the Bible."
I just asked how would your life change. You answered it. It wouldn't. Moral code or otherwise.
It was not a trick question. There was nothing unfair about it. And I don't think you said anything inconsistent with anything else you have ever said (that I can recall).
I don't think, in your case anyway, that it really matters whether God exists or Jesus rose from the dead.
What matters to you is fairness. Is God fair with Job? Is God fair to the children in Iraq? Etc. etc.
That is why I think it is more profitable to focus on the fairness question.
I would seriously like to know your view of Jesus Christ. How does Jesus fare on the fairness scale? 1 means completely unfair. 10 means perfectly fair.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 07, 2006 at 08:28
So how would your life change if you found out God really did raise Jesus from the dead just like the Bible said and all the conservative evangelicals believe?
How would your priorities in life change? How would it affect the way you live?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 07, 2006 at 08:31
First, it would matter if Jesus rose from the dead to the exten tthat ti would prove a God existed. But that should have no chnage in my behavior. My moral code isn;t worth squat if I am doing it becasue I believe God exists. What would change my behavior is proof that, according to the now proven God, I was wrong about some of the things I believe to be moral. Mere existance answers no important questions, becasue mere existance tells us nothing about the nature of God.
The fairness thing is an interesting question. Interesting for a couple of reasons. First, Jesus and God are not entirely differnet things, according to Christianity, so judging Jesus' fairness is essentially judging God's fairness, and we all now where I stand on that.
For purposes of discussion, however, lets assume that we can treat Jesus' ministry on earth as a discreet event and that we ignore the contradictions in the Gospel accounts and assume each Gospel tells a reasonably accurate piec eof the story, just with different editorial focus. In that case, I would have to say the scale is pretty high. I can thin of nothing Jesus did personally that was unfair, with the possible exception of the Temple thing (they had the legal right, if not the moral right, to be there, and so violence might not have been entirely appropriate.) And, of course, he was one of the few leaders to treat women as actual human beings, and that speaks to fairness.
Of course, Jesus on earth could have cured all the lepers, instead of the few he stumbled across, and so that lowers the bar. Even if you want to argue that free will is too important to be tampered with (a cop out, IMO), no one decided to catch a horribly disfiguring disease. So I guess a 6 or so.
I had a more shocking post here, detail some horrific crime form my youth, but sufficite to say that everything you say may be entirely true. And I don't care: God, at this point, has not earned the benefit of the doubt.
Posted by: kevin | May 08, 2006 at 09:15
re: "The thing is, God does not tell us what He is doing or why He is doing things the way He does."
I agree with this. I would add though, that He tells us why He is doing the things He is doing. For followers of Jesus Christ, the "why" is so that we are conformed to the image of His Son. All things work toward this end (Rom 8:28). Even our (sometimes) lousy circumstances and the pain we feel and the greater awareness of our sin and brokenness. That makes us more aware of our fallenness and our need for mercy and grace. It makes us humble people. Humility is an attribute of Christ -- true?
So while God does not let us in on what He is doing -- and how He is going about our sanctification -- he does let us in on the why. And that why, is ultimately because of his love and grace -- to God be the glory.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 09, 2006 at 03:11
Thanks for taking my question seriously.
That is gracious on your part and you showed me respect by wrestling with it and answering it.
I would say that until you come face to face with your own great need of cleansing and forgiveness, Jesus will remain far off and a mystery. Jesus told us that he came for those who are sick.
Mark 2:17
17 And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Many people of Jesus' day saw the miracles and evidence first-hand ... and still rejected him. Because they were not part of the 'sick'. They felt they were healthy. In other words, they felt they were good people deserving of God's favor. They felt their moral code was just fine, and that they were living it out just fine.
It was the ones who knew their great need that found Christ.
There are many, many examples in the N.T. of people who found Christ and trusted him.
I'll just pick one example.
The sinful woman knew her sin. She didn't need to be convinced that she was sick. She didn't even say anything to Jesus. All she did is cry and show Christ love through her actions, and cast herself at his feet for mercy.
Contrast that with Simon ... the owner of the house and the host of meal. Simon is a religious leader. His life is already cleaned up (in his own estimation). He looks at the woman and judges her.
Jesus calls Simon on it. Jesus then makes an astute observation.
"Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little."
Simon failed to love Jesus the way this woman did. Why? Because he was forgiven little. In other words, he did not really think he needed to be forgiven. He thought he was doing great. (Obviously, Jesus begged to differ.) But Simon was forgiven little and loved little. The woman, by contrast, was forgiven much and poured out love as a result.
This is the common theme I see among people who have true spirituality due to a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ. They are broken people. They are humble. They are needy. They are in touch with their need.
The people, like Simon, who see Jesus and say "what is the big deal" ... are not in touch with their need. They go on living their lives.
Until you come to the point in your life where you are needy and broken ... you won't find Jesus Christ ... and your life won't change at all.
I am a needy person. Racheal is a needy person. You are a needy person too -- but it seems to me you are not in touch with your neediness before God. When you are, by all means, let's talk further.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 09, 2006 at 03:36
So how would your life change if you found out God really did raise Jesus from the dead just like the Bible said and all the conservative evangelicals believe?
Other than stopping me from arguing against his existence, I'd venture to say that not much would change. Part of the reason I find myself able to get along with Christians so well is that much of my ethic is largely compatible with theirs.
So I guess that in this hypothetical case, I would continue trying to learn more about Christianity, just as I do today, but my focus would change from wondering how many people cmae to follow a set of beliefs which I think are clearly false, to figuring out which of the believers are actually correct.
There are some two billion in the world who call themselves Christians, and they disagree about a great deal. (The resurrection of Jesus is about the only thing they do agree upon.) So at this point, as Kevin says, it becomes a question of figuring out what it is God actually wants, now that we know He exists.
Please note that inerrancy of scripture does not necessarily follow from the divinity and resurrection of Christ.
How would your priorities in life change? How would it affect the way you live?
Again, I'm not so sure all that much would change. But I think if I learned that the Bible is literally true in all its parts, and in particular that conservative evangelicals (CEs) have it "right," that this would depress me greatly. I'd have a very hard time bringing myself to worship the sort of God that CEs imagine, for reasons we've discussed many times here.
Now that I think on it, I suppose learning this might change my behavior, and not in a good way. If I became totally convinced that conservative evangelicals have it right, this would come with the realization that my damnation is essentially unavoidable. You can't fake love, and I would not be able to bring myself to love God as described by the CE's. So with damnation virtually guaranteed, I suppose that could do away with some inhibitions and make me a far worse person.
So I guess we need to hope I don't become convinced of any of this. :)
Posted by: tgirsch | May 23, 2006 at 14:57
"Part of the reason I find myself able to get along with Christians so well is that much of my ethic is largely compatible with theirs."
And if all Christianity amounted to was an ethical system, then I can see why you would think there would be little change.
"So I guess we need to hope I don't become convinced of any of this."
Unless ... you have missed the boat and don't know Christianity as well as you think you do. You have omitted one distinct possibility in your analysis of how things would change. You have missed the possibility that what you think Christians believe and experience in a relationship with God is actually wrong. It could just be that knowing the living Christ turns out to be something totally different than you thought -- in which case, it could be that you experience a type of freedom in life that you never thought was possible.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 24, 2006 at 09:03
And if all Christianity amounted to was an ethical system
Never said it was. I only said that this is a large area of common ground. In any case, what governs how you live your life more than your sense of what's right and wrong? What might cause you to dramatically change how you live your life without dramatically changing your perception of right and wrong?
It could just be that knowing the living Christ turns out to be something totally different than you thought
Could very well be... but was talking about was Christ as described by conservative evangelicals, and God as described by the same, and if their description turns out to be the correct one, then that would result in the depression I mentioned. If, on the other hand, the UCC turned out to be correct (or, for that matter, even the Presbyterians), that wouldn't be so bad.
But at the end of the day, if you wind up with an all-powerful God who knowingly created millions of souls that are doomed to eternal damnation, with no possible hope of redemption, that's not a God I could ever bring myself to worship. And I certainly hope that nothing could ever blind me to that ugly fact about His creation. True or not, I'm much more comfortable with the idea that conservative evangelicals are flat wrong about hell and damnation. Because if they're right, God's anything but a loving one in my book.
Posted by: tgirsch | May 24, 2006 at 18:11
"In any case, what governs how you live your life more than your sense of what's right and wrong?"
Ethics are important, but ethics are only part of Christianity ... and many would argue, not even the biggest part of Christianity.
"the UCC turned out to be correct (or, for that matter, even the Presbyterians), that wouldn't be so bad."
Then why are you not UCC or Presbyterian?
And what do they believe that you find attractive?
"but was talking about was Christ as described by conservative evangelicals,"
What is it about Christ (as believed by conservative evangelicals) that you find you upsetting?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 25, 2006 at 08:28
Then why are you not UCC or Presbyterian?
Because I lack the whole "believing in God" part, which most would consider to be a key prerequisite. :)
And what do they believe that you find attractive?
I find them (and especially the UCC) to be far less judgmental, and far more welcoming of all people from all walks of life. They concentrate far more on the "love the sinner" and far less on "hate the sin" than other churches I've encountered. They don't seem interested in officially establishing America-as-Christian-Nation the way many conservative churches do. With the exception of some anti-war stuff that the UCC stuff occasionally does, they don't engage in the type of blatantly partisan political grandstanding (a la "Justice Sunday") that conservative churches do. They view the world and all of its creatures ("Creation," I guess) as gifts to be cherished and cared for rather than resources to be exploited. And they seem, to me at least, to be far less hypocritical in terms of wanting the government to get involved in some social issues (like gay marriage) but not others (like poverty).
What is it about Christ (as believed by conservative evangelicals) that you find you upsetting?
Egad, where to begin? The idea that Christ loves me but would damn me for all eternity, even if I treated everyone I encountered with love, fairness, and kindness, simply because I doubted him. The idea that he was speaking only in the narrowest possible sense in John 8 and Matt 7 (the "he who is without sin" and "judge not" stuff). The idea that he was apparently kidding in Matt 6:5-6 (being seen dressed to the nines in a megachurch is not my idea of praying behind a closed door in secret). Those are just a couple of big ones. In a more general stuff, the parts of his ministry that they choose to de-emphasize. I don't recall Jesus ever following "love thy neighbor" with "as long as he's not gay or an abortionist."
I guess if I were to sum it up, the idea that "Faith isn't everything, it's the only thing" seems totally misguided to me. The best person in the world, absent faith, is damned. The worst person in the world, given faith, is saved.
Posted by: tgirsch | May 25, 2006 at 17:35
"Because I lack the whole "believing in God" part, which most would consider to be a key prerequisite. :)"
I wouldn't be too sure of that ... seriously.
"The idea that Christ loves me but would damn me for all eternity, even if I treated everyone I encountered with love, fairness, and kindness, simply because I doubted him."
Where does Christ say he will damn you to hell for all eternity for doubting him in spite of having treated everyone you encountered with love, fairness, and kindness?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 25, 2006 at 18:37
I wouldn't be too sure of that ... seriously.
Actually, I'm quite sure the UCC would welcome me despite my atheism. But it seems disingenuous to me to join an organization whose foundational premise I disagree with.
Where does Christ say he will damn you to hell for all eternity for doubting him
Well, see, that's just it: I'm not aware of anywhere that he does. Yet somehow evangelicals seem to believe this. I guess I should ask you point blank: If I were to die right now, today, without having accepted Christ into my heart, would I go to heaven? Hell? Neither? Among most conservative Christians (if not evangelicals), "hell" seems to be the answer to that question.
I have to believe that if God exists and truly loves everyone and is truly all powerful, something like the Catholic conception of purgatory is closer to the truth.
Posted by: tgirsch | May 26, 2006 at 00:05
"I'm quite sure the UCC would welcome me despite my atheism."
I'm quite sure the liberal Presbyterians wouldn't care either. Seriously.
"But it seems disingenuous to me to join an organization whose foundational premise I disagree with."
Modern liberal churches exist as a form social community who rally around social liberal causes -- I don't think theology is or ever was really their gig.
I don't think you would offend anyone in the slightest by joining a liberal church as an atheist. Just be prepared for church potlucks and perhaps to tithe a little :)
"Yet somehow evangelicals seem to believe this."
Not the ones who have good doctrinal knowledge and have studied scripture at all.
Jesus doesn't send anyone to hell for doubting. Doubting ain't a sin -- just ask the other Thomas ;)
We each get judged on our life. If you live a sublime, Christ like life -- just as you described -- "treated everyone I encountered with love, fairness, and kindness" -- where you never sinned, in word, thought or deed, then heaven awaits.
Christ did it in his earthly life. You have the same opportunity.
"If I were to die right now, today, without having accepted Christ into my heart, would I go to heaven?"
That's God's call. The only person who really knows your heart besides God is you.
All I am saying, is that if you end up in hell for all eternity, it won't be for doubting.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 26, 2006 at 09:40
Modern liberal churches exist as a form social community who rally around social liberal causes -- I don't think theology is or ever was really their gig.
Here I think you're flat wrong. It's not that theology isn't their "gig." It's precisely because of their theology that they rally around certain "social liberal causes." They don't go to church because they hate war; they hate war because they go to church.
Jesus doesn't send anyone to hell for doubting. Doubting ain't a sin -- just ask the other Thomas ;)
I think we're conflating two concepts here (in part because of my wording): doubt, and absence of faith. Also, in Thomas' case, he doubted, but he overcame that doubt, so I'm not sure he's the best example here.
If you live a sublime, Christ like life where you never sinned, in word, thought or deed, then heaven awaits.
Even if I never accept Christ? That sounds an awful lot like the doctrine of works. :) I'd like to agree with this assessment, but it seems to run directly counter to the Pauline epistles (not to mention John 3:16), where faith and faith alone is the lone criterion for salvation: with it, you're saved, and without it, you're not.
All I am saying, is that if you end up in hell for all eternity, it won't be for doubting.
Which, again, is why I need to rephrase the question. Is denying God or Christ a sin? I'm not talking about having mild doubts here. I'm talking about having serious doubts, to the extent that one doesn't believe in God or the divinity of Christ.
Posted by: tgirsch | May 26, 2006 at 13:39
"Is denying God or Christ a sin?"
You mentioned the right word. Sin. Sin is the problem -- not the lack of an intellectual assent to the existence of God or the divinity of Christ. The entirety of your life will be judged -- not the status of your belief in God and the divinity of Christ one second before you die.
The standard for how your life will be judged is Jesus Christ. If you led a morally spotless life like Jesus Christ did, you've got nothing to worry about.
The rest of us who have plenty of sins on our record have only our trust in Christ and the promises in God's word to cling to on that day.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 26, 2006 at 17:01
The rest of us who have plenty of sins on our record have only our trust in Christ and the promises in God's word to cling to on that day.
Ok, so are you saying that your two tickets to heaven are to trust in Christ, or to be absolutely sin-free? This brings us back to the question of whether a guy who sinned a little but didn't trust Christ is worse off than someone who sinned a lot but did.
Posted by: tgirsch | May 31, 2006 at 15:48
"This brings us back to the question of whether a guy who sinned a little but didn't trust Christ is worse off than someone who sinned a lot but did."
There is no one who sins a little. The question is pointless because all have sinned and fallen short.
Somehow, in your Christian years, it seems the topic of God's grace never came up. You never use the word or discuss it.
Instead, you understand Christian doctrine to boil down to a test -- those who believe in Christ and ask him into their heart pass -- those who don't fail.
What is the Christian teaching on grace?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 01, 2006 at 18:10
You've got it exactly backward. It's not that I understand Christian doctrine to boil down to a test; it's that I'm using tests to try and help myself understand Christian doctrine.
But I also admittedly have difficulty with the concept of God's grace, and how it can even be meaningful. Things are as they are because God created them that way. If He is truly omniscient and omnipotent, it can be no other way. Everything is as it is because God intended it to be so. "Grace" isn't terribly meaningful in this equation, because whether or not I receive it is predetermined and inherent in God's design. My actions and thoughts have nothing whatever to do with it (except to the extent that God made them what they are).
And this, I think, is much of why we're talking past one another. You are asserting things as truths that only make sense if one already believes them to be true. To one who does not believe them, they are nonsensical.
Posted by: tgirsch | June 02, 2006 at 11:17
1 Cor 1:18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Father in heaven, grant that my friend may see the word of the cross as the power of God instead of as folly.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 02, 2006 at 16:28
While I appreciate the thought, I'm not quite sure how the little prayer makes any difference at all. My destiny is already written, as is yours. There's nothing either of us can do to alter it.
Unless, of course, the future is not set, in which case it cannot be known. And that opens up a whole can of worms.
Posted by: tgirsch | June 07, 2006 at 11:45
Prayer, we are told, does make a difference. We are also told that God is love -- and that He cannot lie. Once you take the full teaching of scripture about God, instead of selectively pulling out two attributes (knowledge and power), you realize that the fatalism you describe couldn't possibly be correct. Without a will, there is no love nor is there worship.
So some how, some way, prayer makes a difference ... and so do your choices, my friend.
I will always pray for you. With God, nothing is impossible.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 07, 2006 at 23:56
Actually, the concepts in question here are free will and omniscience, concepts which I still hold are incompatible. That's at the core of this disagreement.
As for fatalism not being true, I would swear that you have argued here that the future is set, and that all that is yet to come is predestined.
Posted by: tgirsch | June 08, 2006 at 12:33
"Actually, the concepts in question here are free will and omniscience, concepts which I still hold are incompatible. That's at the core of this disagreement."
I understand. You seem to be implying that because you cannot comprehend how the two attributes are reconcilable, then a transcendant, multi-dimensional, eternal creator of everything that is cannot reconcile them either.
Further, you seem to be implying that Christians who believe the Biblical teaching on God's knowledge and his power are tacitly (perhaps unknowingly) endorsing a belief that everyone is a mindless robot who either accepts Christ or rejects Christ because God is calling all the shots.
It is that second implication I am responding to -- it simply does not comport with the corpus of scripture. If you are going to accept the teaching on omniscience and omnipotence as attributes of God, then you must also accept the attribute of holiness and sinlessness.
When you consider the attribute of love, combined with God's power, you realize that that God cannot actually do everything (like he cannot lie, or force us to love him ) ... and, you cannot come to the fatalistic conclusions that you espouse ... e.g. prayers are pointless, grace is meaningless, etc.
When you take God's attributes in their entirety, you are forced to accept that the paradox must be resolvable from God's vantage point -- given the complexity of this topic (free will and omniscience), I find it entirely plausible that God knows more than I do.
My trust in God does not hinge on having every question in life answered. I would like to have reasons to support my belief -- but I don't need every mystery solved.
Nor, do I suspect, do you. As I recall, you have plenty of unsolved mysteries in your own worldview that you cannot resolve, and you seem content to accept them and move on. Genetic determinism was one of them, as I recall, but you have admitted to being agnostic about other things to.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 08, 2006 at 17:17
You seem to be implying that because you cannot comprehend how the two attributes are reconcilable, then a transcendant, multi-dimensional, eternal creator of everything that is cannot reconcile them either.
No, I'm saying that if logic is applicable at all, then the two concepts are not logically reconcilable. They are mutually exclusive by definition. So if your premises are true, then either our definition of omniscience must be flawed, or our definition of free will must be flawed. To me, free will must involve a real choice between two or more possible outcomes. Period. Omniscience involves the future being known, which means only one outcome is possible. These concepts are directly at odds with one another, logically speaking.
So which is it? Is my definition of free will flawed? Is my definition of omniscience flawed? Or does logic simply not apply here?
everyone is a mindless robot who either accepts Christ or rejects Christ because God is calling all the shots.
"Is calling" might be an inappropriate tense. "Has called" would be better. The future can only be known if it is certain. And I suspect most Christians have simply never pondered this paradox, so I'd argue that they unknowingly hold nonsensical beliefs.
The free will that Christians describe is not true free will to me. True free will absolutely requires an uncertain future, at least on the details. (That we will all eventually die is, of course, certain, but there is a great deal of uncertainty as to when, where, and how this will happen. Without at least that sort of uncertainty, free will is meaningless.)
When you take God's attributes in their entirety, you are forced to accept that the paradox must be resolvable from God's vantage point
In other words, logic is completely useless in cracking this nut, so there's little point in discussing it further. It is, after all, not a conclusion that one can draw rationally, but must instead be accepted as an article of faith.
As I recall, you have plenty of unsolved mysteries in your own worldview that you cannot resolve, and you seem content to accept them and move on.
Fair enough. That said, being agnostic on logical contradictions, or reserving judgment on them, is one thing. Insisting that both must be true is quite another. And to my mind, it's perfectly reasonable to accept both while acknowledging that one or the other must be incorrect, even if it is a bit of a cop-out. That's different in kind than insisting that both must be true, even though this is a logical impossibility.
Posted by: tgirsch | June 13, 2006 at 17:22
That's fine. If freedom to you means an uncertain future ... then so be it.
I have Christian friends who lean more in your direction.
To be honest, it doesn't matter.
All that matters is if God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. If he did, then Jesus Christ's claims to divinity are true. If God didn't do it, then ignore Christ because believing in a dead guy gets you nothing.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 13, 2006 at 22:29
Well, it only "doesn't matter" if we don't have free will. If we do have free will, it matters a great deal. :)
And I'm not sure the claims of divinity necessarily follow from being raised from the dead, otherwise Lazarus could also rightly claim divinity.
Posted by: tgirsch | June 14, 2006 at 14:47
Assume free will ... iow, take exactly the same approach you are currently taking in your own understanding of reality ... even though you have no way of knowing whether you are a puppet of your own genetic programming or not.
BTW, Lazarus never claimed divinity ... Christ did ... then gave a bold sign to authenticate it ... then fulfilled it.
The free will stuff is a red herring away from all that matters ... the resurrection of Christ. So are discussions about age of the earth ... science versus faith ... the existence of evil ... intelligent design ... evolution ... etc etc
Until someone gives a compelling explanation detailing how mankind got snookered into believing the resurrection of Christ AND supports their explanation with something other than circular arguments ... or, someone completely obliterates the evidence that supports the resurrection, then these other discussions are secondary ... fun, but largely irrelevant.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | June 14, 2006 at 15:24