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April 12, 2006


You know, I've found myself in the position recently I never thought I'd be in - actually defending the emerging church.

Mostly it's because people read one book or hear a quote from McLaren and base their conclusions on that alone. They don't realize that there is a broad spectrum of beliefs and approaches within this movement(and I hesitate to even call it that).

I've actually been listening to Driscoll's series on 1 Corinthians and have found it to be very solid and challenging. Imagine that...

I was one of those people who listened to what others said about the EC. I read some McLaren stuff (letters, essays etc) and was instantly turned off.

Others more informed than I helped me realize that the EC had different camps, and that McLaren's deconstruction of orthodox theology was just one of the those camps ... but that his voice did not speak for other groups within the emerging movement.

Once I was over that hump, I discovered that I agreed with a lot of what they were saying.

Driscoll is definitely worth reading. I read his blog regularly. I wish I could go to the upcoming seminar on missional churches. Keller is speaking. Washington state is not exactly in close proximity to Virginia, however.

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