Institute of Creation Research's "Thousands Not Billions" conference is coming to Roanoke on May 20th. The radio spots are filling the airwaves in Roanoke. ICR will be unveiling new scientific discoveries detailing how radioisotopes point to a 10,000 year old planet.
Given that 44 percent of Americans, according to a recent CBS poll, believe that the earth was created 10,000 years ago, I expect this event to be packed out. Though I am sure the opening of AiG's 25 million dollar creation museum in Kentucky will be far more of a draw.
Incidentally, the subtitle for the conference reads "Challenging an Icon of Evolution!". David Heddle makes a compelling case for why they may want to consider adding a sub-sub-title : "Why Intelligent Design Is An Attack On Genesis". As Terry Mortenson, Answer In Genesis lecturer says, "We're concerned about the influence it's [meaning ID] having on the church," says Mortenson, "causing Christians to not be concerned about what Genesis says."
Where am I on this issue? First, I hold to Biblical inerrancy. Second, I separate the age of the earth question from the evolution question. They are not the same question. Third, I am an old earth, young Adam creationist -- i.e. "day age" view believing Adam was created (not evolved) thousands (not millions) of years ago. I strongly believe that Christians can agree to disagree on the age of the earth and should show liberty toward other Christians who hold different views on this particular question (and believe me, there are many different views).
Want to hear ICR's new scientific evidence? Should I go and live blog this conference? Care to donate toward the $20 required to get me in the door? :)
"I am an old earth, young Adam creationist -- i.e. "day age" view believing Adam was created (not evolved) thousands (not millions) of years ago."
Why on earth would God let the earth age for several billion years, including the appearance and evolution of primates into hominids that became more and more like modern humans, then suddenly let all these hominids die off and replace them with a divinely-introduced species--or do you not believe in evolution at all?
Posted by: Rob Ryan | April 26, 2006 at 13:52
Jeff -- Oh man, this is such a can of worms. IMHO, you shouldn't give AIG any publicity at all. They're not just wrong Biblically, theologically, and scientifically, they're also divisive in their actions and attitudes. I'm personally deeply pained by all the division and misunderstanding this question has caused.
Rob -- there are a wide variety of responses to this question. Some evangelical Christians who reject young earth creationism believe in at least some degree of macroevolution, but that man was created separately; some believe each broad group of creatures were created separately and there is little or no macroevolution; some (a small minority) believe in macroevolution for humans and animals. I'd suggest you check out the American Scientific Affiliation website ( for a broad range of views.
As to the "why" question, ultimately who knows? Some who hold the old earth / young Adam position suggest that the history of life on earth prior to Adam in a sense prepares the earth for human stewardship and habitation. Hugh Ross ( is in this camp. I tend to lean towards that view, because I think scripture suggests a special creation of Adam. However, I think when scripture speaks of Adam being created from the "dust of the earth," that could include the use of genetic material from other hominids, which could be a reason why we do indeed have some genetic connection to those earlier hominids.
Posted by: dopderbeck | April 26, 2006 at 14:16
I'm curious: If you already concede that the Earth is millions of years old, what's magical about man having been created some 10,000 years ago? (And in any case, I thought the going estimate was 6,000...) Why are periods of time figured differently for the first six "days" than thereafter?
Posted by: tgirsch | April 26, 2006 at 16:59
"If you already concede that the Earth is millions of years old, what's magical about man having been created some 10,000 years ago?"
I love the way you worded that question :) Concede? s/concede/believe/
Anyway, that was not your main point ... just thot it was a funny verb choice.
I don't hold to Ussher's chronology of Sept 30, 4004 B.C. as the creation date because it has been proven to have flawed assumptions (like a contiguous geneology). So the 6,000 is out -- even for strident YEC'ers.
The 10,000 is in the ball park, however, for YEC'ers and day agers like myself. The Hebrew geneologies were not direct linkages like our modern day geneologies. There may be one or many generations between those names we see. This creates an approximate range for Adam from 10 to 50 thousand years -- all depending how many gaps existed in those geneologies. Don't forget, those old dudes lived seriously long life spans too.
As you would expect, the record of nature shows the earliest expressions of worship (e.g. altars) showing up in the same time frame.
Beyond that -- we just have bone fragments, evidence of burial sites, and evidence of crude tools. Some animals bury their dead -- and some use tools -- but we see no modern animals worship in any overt way -- like constructing an altar or holding a church service ;)
Trying to get beyond 50,000 reaches beyond the Biblical record and the religious objects.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 26, 2006 at 18:08
"Why are periods of time figured differently for the first six "days" than thereafter?"
In Biblical Hebrew, the word for day can literally mean a long but definite period of time -- like it sometimes means in English (e.g. "back in my day"). There is no rule that one long period of time needs to match another.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 26, 2006 at 18:11
"Jeff -- Oh man, this is such a can of worms. IMHO, you shouldn't give AIG any publicity at all. They're not just wrong Biblically, theologically, and scientifically, they're also divisive in their actions and attitudes. I'm personally deeply pained by all the division and misunderstanding this question has caused."
AiG is divisive. I agree that they have flawed theology -- linking the atonement of Christ to solar creation days, for example. And yes, I have received more vicious attacks from Christians than I have from non-Christians on this issue.
The fact remains, AiG is well funded, well run (as an organization), and is well entrenched in this culture. AiG and their allies are a force to be reckoned with. Go to a homeschool conference, my friend. You will see booth after booth in the book fair pushing AiG materials. Us day agers have a hard time finding science curriculum that does *not* teach naturalism AND does *not* teach that Christians are heretics if they reject the 144 hour creation week view.
I don't think AiG needs any publicity help from my tiny little blog -- their marketing push is enormous.
While I don't care for AiG, I do join with Ken Ham in standing against capital E evolution. And, let's face it, most of my Christian friends and all of my family are young earthers. I love young earthers, even if I disagree with their conclusion about the earth's age.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 26, 2006 at 18:19
"Why on earth would God let the earth age for several billion years, including the appearance and evolution of primates into hominids that became more and more like modern humans, then suddenly let all these hominids die off and replace them with a divinely-introduced species--or do you not believe in evolution at all?"
The second question first. Do I believe in evolution at all? I believe that certain phenotypes change within a basic animal type over time ... like finch beaks might change due to weather patterns (temporarily) ... or bacteria might develop a resistance to a certain antibiotic. I don't believe humans evolved from hominids. I believe hominids were bipedal animals.
Why would God create hominids? For the same reason that he creates fascinating life that lives on the bottom of the ocean that no one but He sees. For His own glory, and because he obviously loves to create. He could have created one sun, one planet and one moon and quit -- yet he gave us a glorious universe to marvel at on a clear night.
Besides, when you exist outside of time, what is a year or a billion years anyway? Everything is in the present from God's reference point.
Hugh Ross makes some interesting speculations too as David noted above. Maybe Ross is right, who really knows?
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 26, 2006 at 18:32
"Beyond that -- we just have bone fragments, evidence of burial sites, and evidence of crude tools."
Don't forget the cave paintings; I think some of these are dated at 20,000 years or so.
"I believe hominids were bipedal animals."
So do I. Of course, I also think you and I are bipedal animals. ;-)
Posted by: Rob Ryan | April 27, 2006 at 08:57
"Of course, I also think you and I are bipedal animals. ;-)"
According to Gen 1:26, God speaking through his servant Moses disagrees with you ... and says you are made in his image and are to have dominion over the animals.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 27, 2006 at 17:42
"speaking through his servant Moses?"
Please tell me you don't ascribe to the implausible idea that Moses wrote the Pentateuch at God's specific instruction. I'm reminded of a comic I once saw, where Moses is hunched over a desk with a quill pen, and on a piece of parchment he's writing, "And then I died."
The Pentateuch comes from at least four separate and fairly easily distinguished sources.
Otherwise, I think you're getting hung up on semantics. By just about any contemporary definition, humans are a type of animal. They may be special in some way (in particular if they have "souls"), and they may have a chosen role in God's plan, but that doesn't make humans not animals in any way.
Posted by: tgirsch | April 28, 2006 at 14:55
Why a $16/$20 conference? Sounds like money to me. If you have scientific knowledge, why would you not immediately publish it widely online? I bet they have vids for sale too. And at the end of the vid, an appeal for more money, maybe for an edu-program. Tell me when I can see the scientific evidence that is supposed to convince the world, and in these dire times, when time is short. When Joe Atheist doesn't have to shell out $20 to watch a series of carefully designed lectures, and has the data to look at himself, (and myself for that matter...) Then I may change my tune. Until then I remind myself that John 3:16 doesn't say how old you must believe the earth to be in order to be saved. Interesting, but nothing I will latch onto, unless, as I say, the information becomes available gratis, for the purpose of spreading truth, not just making a buck.
Posted by: Taqiyy | April 29, 2006 at 00:50
Good point. A free conference would send a powerful message. A $20 conference sends a dubious message. Thanks for pointing that out. I never thought about it from that angle.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | April 29, 2006 at 07:40
Trying to get beyond 50,000 reaches beyond the Biblical record and the religious objects.
But not beyond the genetic evidence. I'm not so sure you can just stop at 50kya. Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't be that firm about the Biblical record even beyond that time frame. Actually, I'm a bit uncomfortable with the phrase "Biblical record" here. The Bible, IMHO, touches on some matters that touch on what we'd consider a "record" of natural history, but we have to be really, really careful about that relationship, otherwise we run into the land mines that have gotten us into this mess.
While I don't care for AiG, I do join with Ken Ham in standing against capital E evolution.
I'm sorry, I wish I could be so charitable. I'm really trying to be and I'm wrestling with this in my own heart. It's too easy as a non-YEC to become what you despise (not you, me) -- a haughty and narrow-minded ideologue on an issue that shouldn't be central to Christian unity. But you're right about AIG's influence in the evangelical subculture, and it's deeply painful to me. It's one of the primary things that attracts me to Emergent. Let's get "beyond all that," as the Emergent folks like to say. But it ain't gonna happen. This is one of the things that truly makes me fear for the future of the evangelical church -- as we go further down this road, we become an intellectual ghetto, built on a foundation of untruth.
Posted by: dopderbeck | April 30, 2006 at 14:33
The 50,000 year estimate comes from the genealogies. To stretch the gaps in the genealogies to accomodate Adam being a million years old would require a gigantic assumption that I don't think many Biblical scholars Jewish or Christian would agree with.
Now if you are saying all of the creation accounts and the genealogies are figurative, then you would need to make that case. I'd be interested to hear a scriptural appeal for why all of the creation accounts and genealogies are basically figurative. In other words, don't appeal to putative genetic evidence as your reason for why the genealogies must be figurative.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 01, 2006 at 17:44
"Let's get "beyond all that," as the Emergent folks like to say. But it ain't gonna happen. This is one of the things that truly makes me fear for the future of the evangelical church -- as we go further down this road, we become an intellectual ghetto, built on a foundation of untruth."
All I can say is, don't throw out the baby with the bath water. :)
My take on my dogmatic YEC brothers and sisters is that they are passionate about defending God's word. I like that about them. I wish we all were as passionate. Do they sometimes go over the top toward other Christians? I think so. Then again, some old earthers are guilty of that too. Incidentally, I count many YEC brothers and sisters as close friends. I know very few who hold to the views of the atonement that AIG holds (in relation to the age of the earth).
I view the efforts of the dogmatic YECers like Paul viewed the rival preachers in Philippians 1
The YEC'ers are persuasive to many people. Many YEC'ers are out there leading people to Christ -- even if their view of the age of the earth is held dogmatically and raised to a major doctrinal issue.
But like you said, we dare not become what we hate! If you truly believe that Christians need to get "beyond all that", then you need to put it into practice and get beyond getting irritated by YEC'ers who major in the minors and are dogmatic about it. (btw, I am preaching to myself too ... not just you)
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 01, 2006 at 18:16
To stretch the gaps in the genealogies to accomodate Adam being a million years old would require a gigantic assumption that I don't think many Biblical scholars Jewish or Christian would agree with.
Really? Why?
Pop quiz: Had Adam and Even not "fallen," would they have ever died? I don't recall the Bible ever giving a time frame for how long after the creation when the fall occurred.
But the other problem with the 10K estimate is simple math. The numbers just don't work. I don't think you can get from a population of two in 8,000 BCE to a population of six billion today, not knowing what we know. And according to even the lowest estimates, the world's population was already about 1 million by 10,000 BCE. By the time of Christ, the world's population is estimated to have been around 300 million, which the geneaologies can't account for. Never mind where Cain's wife came from. :)
Posted by: tgirsch | May 03, 2006 at 13:08
The numbers just don't work. I don't think you can get from a population of two in 8,000 BCE to a population of six billion today, not knowing what we know
This isn't quite accurate. Mainstream (non-creationist, non ID) scientists place our most common recent ancestor anywhere from the paleolithic to the first of second millenium BC. See Wikipedia discussion here. So, you certainly can, and it seems that we in fact did, all come from one couple in the recent past.
The bigger problem is two-fold: (1) the mtDNA evidence which places genetic "Eve" about 100kya; and (2) the genetic studies that show far earlier markers in the modern human lineage.
As to (1), the 100kya date is by no means firm. 40kya might not be out of the ballpark.
As to (2), we'd have to get into a discussion of what those markers represent. Are they sure evidence of descent from earlier hominids? Do they suggest a gradual emergence of "modern humans?" Much of the paleontological / archeological evidence seems to support the sudden emergence of much of what we consider "human culture" 10-40kya. Perhaps we are in some way "related" to those earlier hominds, whether by ordinary common descent, through God's use of pre-existing genetic material ("dust"), or through use of design patterns, and the apparent "cultural explosion" reflects the imputation of God's image.
The 50,000 year estimate comes from the genealogies. To stretch the gaps in the genealogies to accomodate Adam being a million years old would require a gigantic assumption that I don't think many Biblical scholars Jewish or Christian would agree with.
Agreed. But I don't think 100kya as opposed to 50kya would be completely untenable.
Now if you are saying all of the creation accounts and the genealogies are figurative, then you would need to make that case. I'd be interested to hear a scriptural appeal for why all of the creation accounts and genealogies are basically figurative.
No, it's not my view that those narratives are completely figurative. However, I think they do contain figurative elements. The serpent in the garden, for example, seems to me clearly to be a figure of Satan, not a "literal" snake. I also think the "tree of life" and the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" likely are figures representing perhaps some kind of liturgical or cultural practice. In addition, I think the "days," while not "figurative," probably are best understood as "analogical" -- they are neither 24-hour periods nor clearly distinct epochs in natural history, but rather are periods of God's activity in defining the functions of the creation. This approach, BTW, is possible within the context of inerrancy (at least broadly defined). See Wheaton Prof. John Walton's NIV Application Commentary and C. John Collins' recent commentary (Collins is a Reformed guy, BTW -- I think from Covenant). On the geneologies and pre-Adamic hominids, see John Jefferson Davis' essay in Inerrancy and Common Sense (don't be put off by the title, it's a pro-inerrancy book). Personally I think it's possible to go even further than Davis does in finding the geneologies "non-literal" -- there are some interesting paralells in the line of Seth and the line of Cain that suggest some of the names in those lines might be representative of multiple individuals or groups.
In other words, don't appeal to putative genetic evidence ....
Here I might differ with you somewhat on hermeneutics. I don't see the problem with appealing to extra-Biblical evidence to help clarify the meaning of the text. If the extra-Biblical evidence tells us the Sun doesn't literally rise and set, it's wise for us to revisit the text on that basis. I'd agree that extra-Biblical evidence can't dictate the meaning of the text, but I think there has to be a subtle and nuanced interplay between our different sources of knowledge. I'd also say this: I'm probably a little more open than you to the idea that scripture isn't intended to reveal anything about "science" as we understand it at all, and therefore we shouldn't expect precise concord between scripture and modern scientific or historical knowledge. I don't think this means scripture is ahistorical, but I do think it counsels great care in discerning what the text is meant to reveal. Here again, I think John Jefferson Davis' essay that I mentioned above is helpful; also the work of Conrad Hyers.
Posted by: David Opderbeck | May 03, 2006 at 14:39
This isn't quite accurate. Mainstream (non-creationist, non ID) scientists place our most common recent ancestor anywhere from the paleolithic to the first of second millenium BC.
Strictly mathematically speaking, it isn't impossible, but based on other evidence we have, it's highly improbable. Note that the recent MRCA theory employs a non-genetic model to get its results. Given the correct conditions, you could get from point A to point B in that time frame, but given what we know about actual conditions, it seems highly unlikely.
It also strikes me as more than a little ironic that you cite such a highly speculative model-based conclusion as an "in fact," while continuing to reserve judgment on far-less-speculative evolutionary models. :)
Posted by: tgirsch | May 03, 2006 at 17:16
It also strikes me as more than a little ironic that you cite such a highly speculative model-based conclusion as an "in fact," while continuing to reserve judgment on far-less-speculative evolutionary models. :)
Tom, I think you're misunderstanding the MRCA model I referred to. here's a cite to one of the relevant papers. I don't think it's intended to compete with the mitochondrial Eve / Adam studies. Those studies trace only the female or male lineages, respectively. The other MRCA studies model population growth based on both male and female lineages together. So, both the mtDNA studies and the other studies showing more recent MRCA can be true at the same time. Also, I wouldn't call the MRCA studies merely speculative -- take a look at the modeling that was done, it seems pretty robust.
So what does this mean for our discussion? It's certainly possible for us to have recent MRCAs, though the mtDNA studies suggest those MRCAs also had ancestors to whom we can trace our lineage on the maternal or paternal sides. From a theological perspective, I think the relevant questions are (1) were those more distant anscestors "human" in the sense of being made "in the image of God"; and (2) in what way are we connected to those more distant anscestors -- through Darwinian common descent, direct creation using preexisting genetic material, direct creation using preexising body / genetic plans, or some combination thereof? However the theologians hash those things out, it seems to me we don't have to abandon the concept of a real Adam who is the federal head of humanity and a real Eve who is the "mother of all the living," who lived within time frames that can reasonably fit the Bible narratives. (I don't think, however, we can say, as the young earth people do, that there were no hominids of any kind before 10kya or so ago.) BTW, another interesting resource on all this is Ross and Rana, Who Was Adam.
Posted by: dopderbeck | May 03, 2006 at 21:37
1. I have been to these conferences at the $16 to $20 range (VERY cheap. Go find out the real costs of a conference out in the real world before you claim they are just in it for the money. I did a google search at Scientific Conference and went to the first link, going into the first meeting that is not already past -- -- it costs $625). The information IS available on the Internet, for the most part. Including on the Answers in Genesis site you seem to revile here.
But some people prefer getting information otherwise. Some people don't just read the Internet, or want the chance to interact with the speakers. They want materials to have in their house. So yes, books, videos, etc are available to purchase.
My church co-runs a Worldview Apologetics Conference at about this price point, with the goal of getting as many people as possible available to come. And I can assure you we don't make money on the Conference. The only reason we can do it at that prince point is because the church is committed to making it affordable: the facility is donated by the other church co-running it, and the speakers come without their usual honorariums because they feel it is so important to get this information out to the everyday person.
Posted by: My Boaz's Ruth | May 15, 2006 at 09:44
My Boaz's Ruth:
Thanks for clarifying the $20 ticket. Hopefully that will clear up misperceptions about this conference being tainted by profits -- it cleared it up for me, anyway.
BTW, I join with Answers in Genesis in critiquing Darwinian evolution and naturalism.
I disagree with their theology that connects the atonement of Jesus Christ with a 24 hour creation day.
For the record, I don't revile young earthers. Most of my family and friends are young earthers. They are great people. I love them.
I just revile bad teaching, that's all.
Posted by: Mr. Dawntreader | May 15, 2006 at 11:01