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June 18, 2006


We are all so afraid that someone around us has a hidden agenda. I think the two words should not even go together. One may think his agenda is hidden, but truthfully you can read it in his actions, his beliefs, who he is on Sunday versus the rest of the week etcetera.

I have an love more deeply, to advance the kingdom of Christ, to raise a God fearing son, and to prepare myself for eternity. Eternity is an awful long time.

Is eye witness testimony so unreliable that we should not admit it in a court of law? Is written history so clouded by agendas that we should abandon history as a legitimate subject we teach in school?
I don't think anyone seriously argues either of these things. They have the smell of straw men. Of course we should admit eyewitness testimony, but we should also temper our acceptance of such testimony with our knowledge that such testimony is mistaken remarkably often. As such, we should never be compelled by eyewitness testimony alone.

Of course we should teach history in schools, but we should also make it clear that history is written by the winners, and that no single source of history can be considered fully authoritative.

The argument shouldn't be about whether there were underlying agendas, or even that such agendas should render everything null and void. Instead, it should be about uncovering, to the best of our ability, what those agendas were, stripping them out, and trying to get to the underlying truth. (We are still concerned about truth, aren't we?)

Also, I think you miss the difference between stated agendas and actual agendas, and the fact that these two things are often very different. You need look no further than the ever-changing justifications for our current war to see this in action.

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