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« Solving Global Warming By Paying Taxes To The U.N.? | Main | Facing The Giants: Open Thread »

March 03, 2007


:) At last, we realize the real cause of global warming!

Actually, it is a potential contributor. Sort of. But it's doubtful that it's a primary cause. Taking this obviously-tongue-in-cheek post seriously for a moment, what's important isn't how much is being generated, but how much more is being generated. If the environment is able to absorb and reuse whatever CO2 is generated, such that the net change in CO2 concentration remains constant, there's no problem. If, however, the scales tip, so that CO2 concentration starts to increase, it makes sense to ask "what changed?"

Cows factor in only to the extent that they are raised as livestock, and as such there are a lot more of them than there were, say, 100 years ago. But how does their "emission" compare to that generated by fossil fuel use? I don't know. (And to the extent that they eat green stuff, which had to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere to stay green, the problem -- if there is a problem -- is throttled somewhat.)

I agree with you Tom. Especially with your basic trajectory that global warming is multi-faceted and complex. Targeting one component of the problem is myopic and potentially catastrophic ... in other words, the proposed cure could be worse than the disease. Cool heads, lots of analysis, and a comprehensive big picture solution is what is called for.

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