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« Hosting The Perfect Pigfest: How Big? | Main | Chesterton Orthodoxy : The Ethics Of Elfland »

March 14, 2007


Dear Sir,
What a marvelous idea!
There is nothing I enjoy better than to find a group of people exercising their minds, hearts, and/or spirits in open and frank discussion. I learned as a college student to expand my horizons this way, and more important (then) - to learn - without opening my mouth until I found that my thinking had attained to the level of the others.
I seem to recall a time in past history, when authors would meet at one public place or other and would fall into interesting and intellectual discussions. In those times it was a common thing for one well-known author to hold 'court' - a thing that many others would know and exercise themselves to be present to share great thoughts with a great man.
Those great minds were associated later with pubs which they frequented often. (There is little desire here to 'freguent' pubs, so we must open homes instead!)
As Christians, we fail to recognize the value of such times, and often gather by two or three for bible studies over coffee, rather than make a personal decision to take dinner together for the purpose of mind-broading discussions.
I intend to attempt such a thing, first by directing some to this address.
This being said, do you suppose that you might simplify in one longish post all of the salient and needful points? My reasoning for this is that many, of those that I know that might be interested in a Pigfest, are already quite busy and would be overcome by the plethora of other items on this site to catch one's eye. This might defeat the purpose before it becames an allure or enticing idea.
Just a thought....
One in Christ,

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