More ransacking ... this time my target is quantum mechanics and chaos theory.
Why these topics?
They raise questions about randomness. Things like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation, and Chaos Theory (think Butterfly Effect) seem to suggest that the world is a random place.
A world of randomness creates a tension point for those holding to a traditional view of God's providence, order, design and governance of creation.
I was interested in what Dr. Collins had to say.
Continue reading "Ultimate Reality: Randomness or Order?" »
I close ransacked Science & Faith on the topic of theistic evolution. In chapter 16, Where Do Animals Come From? Biological Evolution and Darwinism, Dr. Collins writes,
And what of mankind? Does the Bible allow that we are descended from animal ancestors? A great deal depends on what you mean by "descended" - if you mean "with only ordinary natural factors in operation," then certainly the answer is no. The image of God in man is the result of special divine action, and not a development of the powers of any other animal -- at least, that's what Genesis 1:27 implies.
Science and Faith, p. 268
But what about God using the process of evolution and nudging it along at certain points? Will the Hebrew text allow for this?
Continue reading "Is Theistic Evolution Really A Biblical Option?" »
I continue to browse read sections of Jack Collins fine book : Friends or Foes?
The next topic I chose to cherry pick out of the book was the topic of God's involvement in this world and its effect on science. In theological terms, this falls in the area of study called providence. How involved is God in the natural world? If he is heavily involved, does it make the study of science pointless?
Continue reading "God Did It : Is It Really A Science Stopper?" »
'But in theology, the word "literal" has a special meaning: namely it refers to interpreting a Bible text in the sense that the author intended, as opposed to, say the allegorical sense. That is the only meaning of the word "literal" that should carry any weight with us. This means that I should bend my efforts to finding out what a good reader from the original culture would have seen in the story.'
Jack Collins,
So, what about those days in Genesis?
Continue reading "What Are Analogical Days?" »
Title: : Friends or Foes?
Author: C. John "Jack" Collins
Publisher: Crossway, 2003
Author's Perspective: Jack Collins is an OT Professor at Covenant Theological Seminary. B.S. and M.S. from MIT in Engineering. Ph.D. from Liverpool in linguistics. Collins is an expert in Hebrew. He is trained in the sciences because of his time at MIT. Collins is a conservative evangelical Christian. He writes from the perspective of "mere" Christianity and quotes from a broad range of philosophers ( Catholic: Pascal, Chesterton, Aquinas; Anglican : Packer, C.S. Lewis; Protestant Reformed: Murray, Machen, Schaeffer, Calvin). He is not a YEC. He is not a day age creationist either. He has his own unique view of Genesis days called the "analogical" day view. Given his expertise in Hebrew, I am interested to learn the nuances of his view.
Continue reading "Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? : Scan Results" »
The Dawntreaders are enjoying a nice week at the beach in South Carolina. Mrs. D and I went for an early morning stroll along the beach. We greeted the pelicans and said good morning to the waves.
Continue reading "Sea Glass" »