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August 09, 2007


Did you ever get into Enterprise? I never did when it first came out, but I've been watching the re-runs on SciFi, and have found it quite entertaining. There's an episode called "Cogenitor" that has a lot of world view issues, and I'd like to get your take on it. Don't Google it up, though, because there are spoilers anywhere you Google. I believe the episode will air on SciFi again on Monday, September 10th.

The original Star Trek was a great series and sparked my imagination as a kid. I didn't see then the philsophical assumptions underlying the show, but it's clear as glass now. I may take up teaching a "television worldviews" class at church using shows like Star Trek, Dark Angel, the X-Files and Friends as examples of worldviews.

Oh, and I once heard Dr. John Mark Reynolds talk about Voyager. He called it the perfect postmodernist show: the characters are lost, they want to go home but they don't know how to get there or even why they want to get there.

"Did you ever get into Enterprise?"

I watched most of the first season on DVD. I like it. I did not follow your advice and googled the Congenitor episode. I agree that it looks like it is loaded with worldview implications. I wish I could watch it and respond. I get the Sci Fi channel so I'll try to remember to tune and watch.

It's interesting to note Kirk's vigorous meddling in the society. Compare and contrast with the non-judgmental multicultural approach in "Next Generation."

In recent written SF, the strongest proponent of scientific materialism is probably Greg Egan. I must confess that I have never made it through one of his novels, but his short fiction is quite accessible. See, for instance, his short stories "Oceanic" and "Border Guards."

I'm having some difficulty thinking of recent short science fiction that is based on an explicitly theistic worldview, but in longer format there is Mary Doria Russell's novel The Sparrow

re: "It's interesting to note Kirk's vigorous meddling in the society. Compare and contrast with the non-judgmental multicultural approach in "Next Generation."

Excellent point. Star Trek leans more modernist ... Next Generation leans more post-modernist ... Voyager is perhaps most post-modernist of all.

I was surprised to see how easily Kirk violated the prime directive in this episode. He completely wiped out their way of life ... which by all means was a happy existence. He imposed his enlightenment values, and then flies away to leave the dazed and bewildered feeders of Vaal to claw for survival.

Kirk acts positively Richard Dawkinsish or Christopher Hitchenish.

I have not read Egan. Perhaps there is an opening for science fiction writers from a Judeo Christian worldview ... C.S. Lewis used to love to write science fiction, but his stuff is little dated now.

> I have not read Egan.

I think the two short stories linked above are a reasonable intro to his oeuvre. He's definitely from the Dawkins anti-religion wing of atheism.
(The URLS look as though they were truncated. Add "html" to the end to reconstitute them.)

> Perhaps there is an opening for science
> fiction writers from a Judeo Christian
> worldview

Russell is definitely writing from a Judeo-Christian worldview, but she isn't out on the cutting edge of SF. Review here:
Be warned, though. The plot of The Sparrow turns on an unbelievably boneheaded move by otherwise intelligent characters. I enjoyed the book but almost threw it across the room at that point.

Of course, the elephant in the room in this episode is that even from an explicitly theistic, nay, explicitly Christian point of view -- a view almost certainly shared by most of the writers -- the feeders of Vaal were worshipping a false God. And free will is at least as much a cornerstone of Christian philosophy as it is of materialism. So this episode could just as easily be viewed as being pro-Christian as pro-materialism. (In fact, it could easily be viewed as advocating a measure of both -- compatibilism, if you will...)

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