What is the purpose of grades anyway (i.e. an "A", a "B" etc.)? What is the goal of education? Do grades advance or hinder that goal?
"Grades do not advance the goal of education which is to gain knowledge and grow in wisdom. In fact, grades often hinder learning. Therefore, we ought to do away with grades and class rankings and go a pass fail system."
Grades are stupid when you think about it. They promote pride in some kids, and depression in others. They encourage cheating. They distract students away from learning towards figuring out how to master the art of getting a high grade from a particular teacher. Grades tend to be subjective and often do not reflect true intelligence ... they simply reward those who are good at taking tests.
The most compelling argument I have heard for grades are that they keep a student from being lazy. Without grades to work for, a student is likely to totally slack off. A second weaker argument is that grades offer a reward for hard work.
Both of these arguments fail. If grades are simply a carrot on a stick to get a lazy kid to do something, then the question still remains ... does the behavior you are motivating really align with the goal of education? The obvious answer is no. The goal is knowledge and wisdom ... not mastering the art of acing a class.
As far as rewards go, it should not take too much effort to figure out how to reward kids that put out good effort besides resorting to grades. Give out awards, for example.
I don't know who invented grades, but in my opinion, all they do is promote pride and cause kids to hone their skills at figuring out how to get high marks from a given teacher. Grades promote an unhealthy competitiveness. Grades promote cheating. Grades hinder learning. We need to rethink the entire philosophy of grading and come up with something better.