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« Pigfest Prop 2: Human cloning is immoral and ought to be outlawed | Main | Pigfest Prop 4 : Do away with letter grades »

January 19, 2008


"Right now, cheating is morally acceptable in school."

This statement needs clarification. While many students see nothing wrong with cheating, I have yet to meet the teacher or administrator who thinks so. Students regularly fail my sophomore class for plagiarizing sources on research papers, despite the time I spend on "consciousness raising" with regard to plagiarism. Parents often try to intervene when this happens, decrying my policy as too draconian. I give a zero on the assignment, place documentation in the student's writing folder, and notify parents and administrators. Nearly every English teacher on my staff does similarly. I have always been supported by administrators in my policy.

Plagiarism is treated even more sternly by colleges and universities. Most schools expel students for it, with a forfeiture of tuition. Can you support your contention that cheating "is not taken seriously in the schools"? It seems to me that students and their parents are the ones not taking it seriously.

I support your proposal, by the way, despite its lamentable lack of pronoun/antecedent agreement. ;-)

While plagiarism is a serious problem, what about students cheating by using a calculator or writing a math equation on their hand? Is that cheating on the same level as plagiarism?

When in the real world are you going to be asked to perform math without being allowed to use a calculator or being able to look up the proper formula to achieve a correct answer?

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