"So, yes, our recent financial turmoil does suggest failure - a failure to truly practice capitalism and a failure to accept and believe in the value, appropriateness and morality of a limited government and maximum personal responsibility. "
~ Larry Elder, on the real lessons from the financial crisis
"McCain must expose the sudden Obama middle class populism as disingenuous, inasmuch as he attended a church for 20 years whose popular ethos was smug ridicule for the values of "middle-classness." Community organizing, often with Acorn, to redistribute wealth is not middle class anything. Nor is Obama's notion of raising taxes in a meltdown."
~ Victor Davis Hanson, some advice for John and Sarah, whose surge has waned as of late
"House leaders of both parties got wrapped up in their own negotiations, but did it occur to any of them that it might be hard to pass a bill fairly described as a bailout to Wall Street? Was the media darling Barney Frank too busy to notice the 95 Democrats who opposed his bill? Pelosi’s fiery speech at the crucial moment didn’t actually kill this bill, but did she have to act like a Democratic fund-raiser at the most important moment of her career?"
~ David Brooks, ranting on the lack of leadership anywhere at the moment
"Paulson had his shot. It's time for the Democrats to pass a nationalization in the taxpayers' interest bill and dare Bush to veto it. If he does, then announce that the congress will pass it again the day after the election. And if he vetoes it again, announce that congress will pass it yet again on January 21, 2009."
~ Brad Delong, economist linked to by lefty Daily Kos, recommending that we stick it to Bush and get the government to play a bigger role and start taking over banks
"I actually thought that the enormity of the problem facing the country's and the world'seconomies had led her and her colleagues to a responsible middle position. Dozens of Republicans lined up behind their leadership today to vote for a bill that most in the GOP caucus understand to be fixing the consequences of policies conceived and executed by the friends of Bill Clinton and the advisors of Barack Obama when they ran Freddie and Fannie, policies which were protected from review and correction by none other than Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and the like. I thought the Administration's and John McCain's refusal to launch partisan broadsides combined with the near-uniform advice of financial experts had finally impressed the Dems enough that they would lay down their cudgels long enough to pass the law necessary to the functioning of the credit markets.
I was wrong. The bill failed in the House by a 228 to 205 vote, with 95 Democrats voting against it, a cynical exercise in manipulating the financial crisis for the Dems perceived political advantage."
~ Hugh Hewitt, ranting about the 95 Dems who killed the bill
Comments are closed on this one. I am tired of deleting comments from people cheering for their political teams. I may open up comments after the election ;)