"Though God has forgiven and forgotten your past sins, yet don't forget them yourself. Often remember what a wretched bond slave you were in the land of Egypt. Often bring to mind your particular acts of sin before conversion, as the blessed Apostle Paul is often mentioning his old blaspheming, persecuting, and injuriousness, to the renewed humbling of his heart and acknowledging that he was the least of the apostles, and not worthy to be called an apostle, and the least of saints, and the chief of sinners. And be often in confessing your old sins to God. Also, let this following passage be often in your mind: "Then, when I make atonement for all you have done, you will remember and be ashamed and never again open your mouth because of your humiliation, declares the sovereign Lord" (Ezek. 16:63)
~ Jonathan Edwards, offering advice to a new convert to Christianity in 1741
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Key Events
• 1703. Born the grandson of a legend, Solomon Stoddard, the “pope” of New England. Son of Timothy Edwards and Esther Stoddard. Mom and Dad are brilliant in their own right. Raised in a godly Puritan home. “Classically educated” by a master teacher.
• 1716. Enters Yale at 13. Wants to make a name for himself. Main interests are science and philosophy.
• 1721. Becomes a Christian after reading 1 Tim 1:17. Gains a new "sense of things." Worldview changes.
• 1724. Edwards has been a pastor of a small church that split off from a larger church. The small church plant struggles financially and votes to rejoin the main church. Edwards heads back to Yale to be a tutor and finish Masters degree. Reads major Puritan writers. Theological grid solidly formed at this time.
• 1726. Receives call to Northhampton to Solomon Stoddard’s church. Becomes assistant pastor.
• 1727. Marries Sarah.
• 1729. Solomon Stoddard dies. Edwards becomes senior pastor.
• 1734. Revival at Northhampton.
• 1740. Great Awakening.
• 1744. Pastoral controversies (salary, clothing, confronts lewd behavior by boys in the church).
• 1747. David Brainerd visit.
• 1749. Dismissed by congregation, primarily over communion controversy. Vote was 230 to 23.
• 1751. Moves to Stockbridge. Pastors a tiny church of mostly American Indians.
• 1758. Moves to Princeton. Dies. Hardly mentioned in newspapers.
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