"The modern Republican Party has risen above its insecurities to achieve political success. Ronald Reagan, for example, held an unshakably positive vision of American capitalism. He didn't feel a need to qualify the meaning of his conservatism. He understood that big government was cruel and uncaring of individual aspirations. Small government conservatism was, by definition, compassionate -- offering every American a way up to self-determination and economic prosperity.
Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006 because voters no longer saw Republicans as the party of limited government. They have since rejected virtually every opportunity to recapture this identity. But their failure to do so must not be misconstrued as a rejection of principles of individual liberty by the American people. The evidence suggests we are still a nation of pocketbook conservatives most happy when government has enough respect to leave us alone and to mind its own business. The worrisome question is whether either political party understands this."
~ Dick Armey, U.S. House majority leader from 1995 to 2002
"I saw how this moral framework led him to an immediate identification with the dying African child, the Chinese dissident, the Sudanese former slave, the Burmese women's advocate. It is one reason I will never be cynical about government -- or about President Bush."
I have linked to two worthy reads. Is compassionate conservatism a failed idea? Making prescription drugs available at little or no cost to 10 million low-income seniors ... improving average reading scores of fourth graders ... narrowing the achievement gap between white and African-American children ... providing AIDS relief for millions of Africans and compassionate care for millions of orphans ... are these achievements that conservatives truly do not care about?
Are we really a nation of pocketbook conservatives who feel that the most compassionate thing a government can do is leave us alone and mind it own business, as Dick Armey suggests?
I would like to hear some of my conservative readers weigh in.
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