I was sitting in the terminal at the Nashville airport waiting for my flight home. CNN was on in the background. I heard the news anchor announce that the Forbes top 100 list had just been released. This is that nauseating list where you learn how filthy rich Oprah Winfrey and Tiger Woods really are.
One name on the list caught my attention. Dan Brown. The author of The Da Vinci Code. He grossed a cool $77 million last year. My jaw hit the floor. That guy is cleaning up.
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The exit polls are showing Greg Koukl of STR the winner over Deepak Chopra by TKO.
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Should we make it official and start capitalizing the "s" in secularism? David Klinghoffer thinks so. His article That Other Church with the subtitle Let's face it: Secularism is a religion. Let's treat it as such appeared in Christianiaty Today in January, 2005.
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This is very rich. I extracted the following quote from Hugh Hewitt's blog. He printed Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's homily in its entirety.
Ratzinger's term "Dictatorship of Relativism" is particularly "sticky" (see "The Stickiness Factor" at Tipping Point Net Version)
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