Time for a couple of shout outs. Dr. Al Mohler is doing an excellent series on Christian Morality and Public Law. I particularly liked his post which exposes three secular myths. Keith Plummer of The Christian Mind references Mohler and makes some good points as well about the myth of neturality: here and here.
Bottom line: there is no such thing as a religiously neutral worldview. If you are anti-religious, then your religion is anti-religion. If you claim to have no worldview, then you have the "no worldview" worldview.
I heartily agree with Plummer who says we must "we must view worldview formation and analysis as a vital part of the church's disciple-making task. Unless we teach believers how to think in wholes and recognize how individual beliefs emanate from larger systems of thought, they will be less equipped to 'destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God' (2 Cor. 10:4-5). "