God asked Job:
19 "What is the way to the abode of light?
And where does darkness reside?
20 Can you take them to their places?
Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
Have you ever thought about where darkness resides? Cosmologists have. Up until recently, nobody knew. Now we do.
Dark energy resides on the cosmic surface of the universe. No surprise there. Everything resides on the cosmic surface of the universe. Dark energy is the anti-elastic force that causes the expansion of the universe at an ever increasing velocity.
What about dark matter? Dark matter is that stuff that makes up 99.73% of the universe … incidentally, you and I [and our sun and planet] are made up of ordinary matter [also called baryonic matter]. Ordinary matter interacts well with photons and is visible. Dark matter, which is the predominant stuff of the universe, does not. It remains invisible … though its effects are observable.
Where does the darkness live? The center of the galaxy? Nope. It turned up in an unexpected place [unexpected given Newtonian mechanics]. It lives in the haloes around galaxies and galaxy clusters. Ordinary dark matter lives in the close part of the haloes – exotic dark matter resides in the outer part of the haloes.
Why the haloes? Why there? Why does dark matter behave like that? Newtonian mechanics predicts just the opposite.
This will be the latest mystery to be investigated. Cosmologists are hard at work trying to determine why. When they do, I predict the following. We will find more evidence of design in the universe ... perhaps evidence as strong as the fine tuning of dark energy.
Incidentally … why care about the dark matter? The dark matter [and dark energy] control cosmic expansion. If the cosmos expands too quickly … no galaxies, no life. If the cosmos expands too slowly, galaxies would implode in a gigantic crunch. The cosmos must be 99.73% dark matter and have enough dark energy in order to expand at just the right rate … so that you and I and the others made up of ordinary matter can have a nice place to live.
Thank God for the darkness ... and for the fact that He created a universe with 99.73% of it.