Some people were born to blog. Joe at Evangelical Outpost proves why he is one of those people in Lessons Of A Recovering Statistics-Addicted Influence Seeker. Joe references a post called Numbers and Blogging written by pastor David Bayly... Both bloggers raise important questions about blogging and pride ... and ultimately ask, what is the point?
Joe's post reminds me of a question my wife once asked me, "what if you were the only one who read your blog, would you still do it?"
I have waffled back and forth on that question.
I am a big believer in journaling as a means of focusing your thoughts about life. One of the great joys of my life was spending hours reading my grandmother's hand-written journals the day after her funeral. She filled countless shoe boxes with notebooks of date stamped entries of her thoughts, prayers and reflections on God, family and life. What a joy to read what she asked God for when my eldest child was born. My eyes mist up just thinking about that day.
Blogging has become my proxy for journaling and filling shoe boxes with spiral bound notebooks. But let's face it, I don't put the really personal stuff on my blog. I am not into "spiritually streaking" as my friend Ed calls it.
The reason I blog is for influence. Plain and simple. The answer to my wife's question is no. If I were the only one reading my blog, I would not do it.
As much as I enjoy blogging, it chews up too much time. The pay is lousy. I have never collected one red cent from blogging (at least Joe is making $1.97 per hour). The temptation for pride from blogging is always present. My family is still trying to decide if blogging is a good thing. My wife tolerates blogging, but would not complain a bit if I quit (as long as I did not backfill my blogging time with watching Jack Bauer and the adventures of the CTU team on 24).
The time away from blogging last week was refreshing to be honest. I quit blogging once, and considered quitting again this past week ... in fact, I consider this question all the time as I am sure other bloggers do too.
Here is why I will go on ... at least for now ...
God has called me to influence others through writing and teaching. One of my Centurions teachers, T.M. Moore, challenged me and others to develop our gift by "writing small". For me, that means blogging ... for now. Stage two is writing articles ... perhaps for Breakpoint or Touchstone or World. I need to get a lot better before that is a possibility. Stage three is writing a book ... probably non-fiction, but who knows?
Regardless of the media, I want to influence others toward truth. I want to point others in the direction of God. One of my callings is to shape plausibility structures. Simply put, many think it is implausible and unreasonable to believe in God, to believe Christ was raised from the dead, and to believe the Bible is true. I am in the reformed camp in my understanding of soteriology (salvation) meaning I believe that the Holy Spirit regenerates a person's heart and mind prior to their acceptance of Christ. However, I believe God uses the ministries of apologists to shape ideas as a part of that process. Given my background and interests, I contend for the faith in the marketplace of ideas by pushing back against the corrosive effects of naturalism and its daughter philosophies.
A second calling is to influence Christians toward seeing the Christian faith as larger than just about getting saved. We are called to be part of the community of faith and the kingdom of God. God is sovereign over all of life, not just Sunday mornings or your personal quiet times. As Christians, we need to care about restoring shalom to God's creation. That involves more than the Great Commission. It involves the Cultural Commission. We are "double agents". We are agents of God's special grace, and we are also agents of God's common grace. I realize there is a whole element of the church that has run headlong toward political power. That is not what I am talking about. Restoring shalom means aligning with God's design for creation and society. It means working toward peace and justice and order ... it means promoting righteousness ... it means being wise in how we live, and helping others to do likewise. Being a Christian is far more than trying to save souls. It is about all of life. I like how Mike Synder (a Centurions leader) summed it up at a Centurions residency. In short, "everything matters."
A third calling to influence Christians toward submitting everything to Christ -- not just their hearts, but their minds as well. This means fighting against the rampant anti-intellectualism that has been infecting the church for the past two centuries. Thankfully, God has laid this burden on the hearts of many Christians and we are seeing a great increase of Christian thinkers who love Christ with their hearts and minds.
So ... I blog for influence. I have gotten enough encouraging feedback to keep on keeping on. To come full circle to Joe's post, I don't care about statistics. But I do care about influence. If the statistics or lack of comments show me that no one is reading, then it is time to hang it up and try to move toward stage #2 (writing articles for newsletters or periodicals).
That said, I do enjoy the relational aspect to blogging ... which seems to be what keeps Joe going ... in Joe's words
What I’ve gained from blogging - friendship, community, education - can’t be quantified. The best things in the blogosphere are the connections you make, the relationships you form, and the posts that amuse, inform, and surprise - and those are things that can’t be measured by Sitemeter or Technorati.
Very true, of course. But Joe is also having an impact for Christ through his blogging, whether he realizes it or not. Further, in my opinion, relationships and community with people you see should trump the virtual / internet kind.
There is a another significant benefit to blogging. It is a benefit that, in my arrogance and pride, I never envisioned. It is the opportunity to have my own thinking and tactics refined and cleaned up. Eighty percent of the comments I receive are from readers who disagree with my point of view. As bizarre as it sounds, I like that. Though it appears that I have had little influence on their thinking, they have helped me with mine. It is great to have the opportunity to test ideas and clean up my own sloppy thinking, sloppy arguments and sloppy writing. They have helped to soften my own dogmatism about things which are non-essentials, as well as to be wise in how I word things and frame issues. Even though they have not changed my convictions about truth, knowledge and centrality of Christ in all of life -- they have still helped me grow as an ambassador of Christ.
I like how Joe spotlighted the highlights of his blogging experience. I want to do the same, but my keyboard has gotten too long-winded with this post. I'll save it for later.
Welcome back! I agree wholeheartedly with why you blog. I feel the same about the statistics. The relational aspect of blogging makes it worthwhile and I enjoy how it sharpens my own thought.
I would answer the question of whether I would blog if nobody read what I wrote. I probably would still write a blog or journal of ideas, reflections and articles. It helps me to reflect on the ideas I am having. It has advanced my thinking in a number of areas that would not have otherwise been developed.
I hope your trip was good. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts and filling you in on the second C2 residency.
Posted by: Brian | July 12, 2005 at 19:26
Hope you had a great vacation. I share your sentiments, and encourage you to hang in there. Impact is sometimes difficult to measure, and can occur many years hence.
Posted by: Joe Guarino | July 12, 2005 at 19:31
Hi Jeff:
Fantastic and well-articulated post! Your reasons for blogging really remind me of myself :)
In recent posts on my blog, "Why I Blog/The Faithful Blogger" and "Blogging is Cool", I explored similar questions and even referenced the same blog posts.
So I found myself nodding my head in agreement with each of your points (hmmm... perhaps you won't learn much from me then).
Ultimately, I blog to influence, yet along the way, I've received all the personal benefits you mentioned. So I do think it's worthwhile, even if no one at all reads.
I share your strategy too, of blogging to sharpen my writing/thinking as I work towards the goal of expanding my influence by writing in other venues.
The thing I personally wrestle with is how much time I should spend blogging when my other passion, music and songwriting, cries out for my attention.
But I hope to be one of those who becomes more efficient and productive they busier they get... well, one can dream anyway!
Posted by: Alex Jordan | July 16, 2005 at 12:25
"I don't care about statistics. But I do care about influence. "
That expresses it for me as well. I guess I join the minority in simply having enjoyed what you had to say and tell you that I agree with all you said and identify with the emotions and thoughts.
I hope you reach your goals and beyond.
Posted by: ilona | July 17, 2005 at 11:53
Thanks everyone. Ilona, thanks for helping to balance the positive to negative comment ratio :-)
Posted by: Dawn Treader | July 17, 2005 at 15:19