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August 17, 2005


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One minor quibble.

The thing is, that most Christians picture themselves as defendants in the courtroom. They are being judged for their life. Their sins of commission and omission are examined. Our hope is for mercy.

It may be true that Christians picture themselves this way, but scripture says that "He that believes in Him is not judged" (John 3). It is the works of the Christian which will be judged and upheld or burned accordingly.

I do think about this quite a bit. What works are acceptable - will anything be left - do I do anything at all from proper motives? These are difficult questions, especially since I seem to recognize my unworthiness more each day.

Thanks again.

Good point, Jeff.

I went back and edited my post to be clear. I don't want to send the wrong message. Followers of Christ are justified. The debt is paid. It is finished.

There is the bema seat of which you speak (2 Cor 5).

My point in the post is more general. Christians rarely assume the role of plaintiff when it comes to the judicial imagery in the scripture. The Jewish poets did, however.

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