The magnitude of this disaster is difficult to comprehend. The anarchy in New Orleans is especially hard to stomach. If one ever doubted the doctrine of the depravity of man, doubt no more. New Orleans is a perfect picture of why God ordained governments: to promote justice and to preserve order (Rom 13). New Orleans has neither.
Maybe it is just me ... but as I read through bloglines this morning, the things people are blogging about strike me as down right trivial and banal.
You're right: It's time you started blogging about the need to act to prevent or stop global warming. This storm was a wake up call, and it's not time to hit the snooze button as so many urge. Blame? We need to blame anyone who doesn't urge action now. We cannot stand inaction when the force of hurricanes keeps rising.
Posted by: Ed Darrell | September 13, 2005 at 16:48