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« Success : A Biblical Worldview Perspective | Main | Has Intelligent Design Reached The Tipping Point? »

August 04, 2005


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That is a very beautiful story and a wonderful moment you shared of your time spent with your daughter. I liked how you responded to her question, "What do they think about Jesus?"

People don't care what you know till they know that you care. Keep on developing those friendships with your neighbors. Sounds like it has been and will continue to be a success!

Thanks for sharing,


I like the story, and I appreciate what you're trying to convey here, but doesn't it strike you as a wee bit presumptuous to presume that God would personally interfere with a youth swim meet just to provide you with a teachable moment? I'd like to think God has bigger fish to fry, in Darfur, for example...

I can see how you could think that.

I am driven by a worldview that understands that God is in the details of all of life. In fact, I think God is active in your life too. You may not fully realize how ... yet.

For an interesting read, try out the book of Esther from the Old Testament. God's name is never mentioned, but he is very active throughout the book ... in the smallest details. It is a worthwhile read -- 10 chapters, should take about 20 minutes.

Man, it's been years since I've read Esther (probably about 10, actually). You might have me just curious enough to actually read it, just to try to figure out what the heck it has to do with the subject at hand. :)

By the way, if a personal God exists, as you claim He does, then he is no doubt intimately involved in my life.

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