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November 04, 2005


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Even though I disagree with him on some key points, I already like this guy a lot better than I liked the last guy. :) Can't wait to see the follow-ups.

This is really interesting stuff. I've been following some similar comments on the American Scientific Affiliation e-mail list. It seems that most of the folks on the ASA list are theistic evolution folks, who are largely skeptical of ID, although some are sympathetic to it and other ASA members include top ID people. It's helpful to get their prespectives and to observe Christians who are professional scientists work through these issues.

I think I like your buddy Steve. I have heard way too many arguments between "Creation" and "Evolution" (with caps) where neither side seems to have the foggiest idea of what they are talking about. The one thing both sides seem to have in common is the need to eliminate any mystery in how things came to be.

Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen a big problem between organic evolution by drift and natural selection and orthodox Christian belief. "Random chance" is just the name we give to how collections of matter and energy behave in space and time; "random" is not the same as "unintentional" or "purposeless." The movement of gases through a wide tube is largely a matter of the random motion of molecules in response to a pressure gradient. The purpose only becomes apparent when you see the lung.


Steve is a good guy. I suspect you would like the biology prof too. Knowing you both, I can confidently say ya'll would get along marvelously.


I agree. It is helpful to see the folks on the front lines process things. I hope to do a series on theistic evo someday.


re: "Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen a big problem between organic evolution by drift and natural selection and orthodox Christian belief."

The biggest stumbling block to reconciling organic evo with Christianity has always been the exegetical one. You have to take an unorthodox reading of Hebrew scriptures to work evo into the Bible - especially as it relates to man.

It is also somewhat difficult to reconcile the Imago Dei doctrine of Gen 1:28 (image of God) if man is not really all that different from yeast.

Now, invoking drift in the case of random variations of genetic structures, like in the case of the avian flu virus, is not very troubling to classic Christian teaching. In that sense I agree.


As I have commented elsewhere, there are many Biblical scholars who take the "image of God" not to mean physical appearance, but rather ability to control destiny. That is, man, like God, has free will.

(Also, to pick a nit, shouldn't it be Gen 1:27?)

Gen 1 is the source of much dispute in other areas as well. What is meant by "subdue," and "have dominion over?" In the latter case, "rule" is the most common contemporary translation, although I've seen it argued that "take care of" is a more accurate translation. But I digress. :)

re: "Also, to pick a nit, shouldn't it be Gen 1:27?"

Yes, it should. Thx.

re: "there are many Biblical scholars who take the "image of God" not to mean physical appearance,"

Like me, for instance. I don't think I look like a spirit and you probably don't either ;). The point is that man is singled-out as image bearers ... not animals, not plants.

re: "Gen 1 is the source of much dispute in other areas as well. "

No doubt this is true. But disputes alone are not a compelling reason to think that the classic orthodox hermenuetic used for Genesis for 4 millenia is flawed.

Well, that brings us back to why something resembling naturalistic evolution is ruled out by Gen 1:27. As far as I'm aware, nothing in Genesis says that man was created ex nihilo. So why couldn't God have created man on the sixth "yom" from some pre-existing form?But disputes alone are not a compelling reason to think that the classic orthodox hermenuetic used for Genesis for 4 millenia is flawed.Nope, that's what our eyes and ears are for. :)

It brings us back to the old hypothetical questions of whether or not Adam and Eve had navels, or how many rings the largest tree in Eden would have had if you cut it down on day six.

"So why couldn't God have created man on the sixth "yom" from some pre-existing form?"

He did. The form was called dirt. :)

"Nope, that's what our eyes and ears are for. :)"

... and our presuppositions about our eyes and ears and knowledge ;)

"It brings us back to the old hypothetical questions of whether or not Adam and Eve had navels, or how many rings the largest tree in Eden would have had if you cut it down on day six."

Of course they did not have belly buttons. How could they? God made them. They never needed umbilical cords.

And trees ... on yom six, they would have had one ring for each year of their development ;)

Hope this conversation goes well. I think we've all seen evolution-believers who are convinced Bible/creation-believers are idiots, mental midgets, swept away in hysteria to the detriment of being able to think. I've wondered how many e-b's have really thought through their position. If this gets people to think, it will be greatly worthwhile.

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