"National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology".
Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess, mass meeting in 1934.
The Nazis based their justification for direct medical killing on the simple concept of "life unworthy of life" (lebensunwertes Leben). They carried out this principle in progressive steps: coercive sterilization; the killing of "impaired" children in hospitals; the killing of impaired adults, mostly collected from mental hospitals; the killing of "impaired" inmates of concentration and extermination camps; and finally, the mass killings of Jews.
Sterilization was the forerunner to mass murder.
Ironically, Nazi Germany considered itself behind the United States in the sterilization movement in the 1920s. Fritz Lenz, a German physician-eugenicist advocate of sterilization (and later a leading ideologue of racial hygiene), marveled at eugenics research programs in the United States such as the one at Cold Spring Harbor in New York. He berated his fellow Germans for their backwardness compared to the Americans in 1923.
The United States also had laws in 25 states providing for the compulsory sterilization of the criminally insane and other people considered genetically inferior. Thankfully, these laws were eventually rolled back due to concerns about individual rights. Such concerns for individual rights were trumped by national concerns in Nazi Germany. The focus was on serving the race by intentionally strengthening it and preventing it from extinction.
Hitler, in 1924, declared the sacred racial mission of the German people to be "assembling and preserving the most valuable stocks of basic racial elements and slowly and surely raising them to a dominant positions." He specifically mentioned sterilization as part of his vision. For him, the stakes were absolute: "if the power to fight for one's own health is no longer present, the right to live in this world of struggle ends." Mein Kampf, pp 403-4
Once in power, the Nazi regime made sterilization the first application of its biomedical program. Wilhem Frick, the interior minister, introduced an early sterilization law and declared that the German people were in grave danger without it. The tone for the regime's medicalized approach to life unworthy of life was set.
Included among the hereditarily sick to be sterilized were the categories of congenital feeblemindedness, including schizophrenia, manic depressive insanity, epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, hereditary blindness, hereditary deafness, grave bodily malformation, hereditary alcholism. Projected totals for the steriliziation: 410,000 Germans. Special "Hereditary Health Courts" were established to make sterilization decisions.
Intense debates ensued about the breadth of such sterilizations. Perhaps the sterilization should go beyond the impaired and weak, and include their relatives as well. After all, they might be carriers of genetic deficiencies. Fritz Lenz carried it the farthest, suggesting that sterilization be done to people who showed slight signs of mental illness, knowing full well that 20 percent of the German population would be affected in such a scenario!
Politics did enter into the diagnosis. Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary and close associate, instructed physicians that the moral and political behavior of a person be considered in making the diagnosis of feeblemindedness.
No one really knows how many people were sterilized in Nazi Germany. Reliable estimates are generally between 200,000 and 350,000 people.
In association with sterilization laws, steps were taken to establish a national card index of people with hereditary taints. Special research institutes for hereditary biology and racial hygiene were set up at universities. Genetic information, extending back several generations, was gathered and used in these institutions.
There did not seem to be much opposition to sterilization in Germany. The Catholic church disapproved, but only intervened to the point of asking for doctors and lawyers who were Catholic to be exempt from enforcing sterilization laws. Moral concerns surfaced a little, but were put down with arguments asserting that the life of the nation took precedence over "dogma and conflicts of conscience."
The stage was set for "mercy" killings: the euthanasia of impaired children.
If you have't seen it, you really need to watch a copy of Conspiracy. its about the initial meeting where the FInal Solution was decided upon. it is the most frightening thing I have ever watched.
One thing that stands out is that we were lucky that the lunatics won out. There where men who wer ein favor of a completely legal solution -- like the Jim Crow in the South, but with sterilization. If those people had won, it is really doubtful that world opinion of the day would have raised an eyebrow, or that the revelations would have done much to demonize anti-semitism and racism.
Posted by: kevin | November 15, 2005 at 13:28
I see what you're saying, but it's still a bit hard to swallow the idea that there was anything "lucky" about what happened there.
Posted by: tgirsch | November 15, 2005 at 18:29
I have not seen the film ... but you have piqued my interest.
Posted by: Dawn Treader | November 15, 2005 at 18:30