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January 06, 2006


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Thanks much for the link to Steve's post. Couldn't agree more. We are always called upone to show God's love - especially to those in need.

My wife and I have worked for years with homeless people, and one thing we find that most Christians are unprepared for is the outright hostility that can be heaped upon them by a panhandler when they try to give anything other than cash. Not everyone is as pleasant as the Jim in the article. Before engaging a homeless person in conversation, I encourage everyone to prepare his or her heart for a VERY giving, VERY one-sided exchange, and not to expect any reward at all in the form of thanks, a smile, or even acknowledgement. This is probably a good thing, because our hearts should be pure enough to give freely without expecting this. In addition, It is a very poor idea to a stranger any personal information, even something as simple as your first name. If you then casually let slip what neighborhood you live in, you could be putting your family at risk (Remember the Elizabeth Smart abduction). Of course, if you’re a single guy, say whatever you want, but not if you have a family to protect.

John -- interesting advice! This happened to me once. I took the panhandler into a market, and bought her some bread and peanut butter and jelly. She got really mad at me because I didn't buy her something else she wanted. Oh well. This is souch a tough thing because it seems that many panhandlers are mentally ill and/or addicts. I wish I had some more consistent, Christ-like way of interacting with panhandlers.

Regardless of what tactic you use in engaging them, you should view them as a fellow imager bearer of God.

It is very easy to view these people as almost sub-human ... and I am talking about at a unconscious level. This can be true even if you stop to help them. By viewing them as image bearers you are granting them the dignity they deserve. I like how Steve (in the story) prayed for Jim the homeless man. Praying for someone changes your perspective.

Many of the panhandlers have card board signs which say "God bless you." In one sense, they have already opened the door for you to pray for them by name.

I think John's advice to protect your family is good. I just think people need to do some introspection about the condition of their heart attitudes.

As far as practical ideas for what to hand them if you feel so led, how about gift certificates for food at a fast food place. There was a couple who practiced something similar to this idea at the last Pigfest. They always had tickets of some sort to hand out if needed. I can't remember if it was to a grocery store or a fast food restaurant. The idea was that they were not handing out cash, but they were handing out something that could be redeemed for food (versus wine, beer etc).


The gift certificate or gift card is a great idea if you’re in an area where you encounter panhandlers frequently or if you’re likely to encounter them only through a car window. I you live in an area where encounters are only sporadic, you have to remember that those things sometimes expire so you have to make sure they are up-to-date, and remember to carry them. I also like to give them a little pamphlet about services we have locally for shelter, counseling, etc. Naturally we should pray for each one we meet and offer to pray with them if practical. When you get into talking about viewing them as image-bearers, that is nice if you can do it, but we should be realistic. Of course we understand that helping them is the same thing as helping Jesus, or we wouldn’t even help. I contend that the main thing the Bible says is to HELP, not necessarily to “help and try for a sentimental mood while at it”. If one can walk away with a nice glow in the heart, that’s an added bonus, but one should not quit helping if it doesn’t happen.

As some of you know this is a hard issue for me...I spent years being a public servant and getting panhandlers, etc. out of business areas, public access areas, etc. My heart grew hard. I was efficient and I was simply a cop getting the job done. I knew if they got out of line, I had numerous recourses that the average citizen did not have...

In my life today, I have given this some thought. I try to keep bottles of water and packages of those PB-crackers to give to the folks at the intersections...especially in the summer when it's pretty hot! It's not like I am trying to atone for my past, I'm trying to be a better witness for the One in whom I say that I believe!

Happy New Year to all...we were gone for a bit and my wife took out exchange student to Times Square for new year's eve...I didn't go...

If I can't take my Glock, I don't go...



"I contend that the main thing the Bible says is to HELP, not necessarily to “help and try for a sentimental mood while at it”. If one can walk away with a nice glow in the heart, that’s an added bonus, but one should not quit helping if it doesn’t happen."

Point taken. If we have a positive experience (like Steve), count it a blessing. The norm, as you said, is to expect nothing and perhaps even hostility. We should go in with our eyes open.

I don't mean to project my own sin onto others ... my struggle is an inward one. I struggle with seeing myself as superior to homeless Jim, and that Jim made foolish choices and essentially made his bed and now has to sleep in it. I lose sight of grace ... so it is that self-righteousness that I need to continually repent of.

That said, I hear what you are saying and agree with you wholeheartedly.

Happy New Year BWB!

Great to have you back.

Thanks for the tips!

Here in Denver, it is estimated that about 90% of the panhandlers are addicts just looking for the next fix. My own interactions seem to confirm this: when someone asks for change "to call a friend" or "for the bus" & I offer my cell/ride, they object. I give them free food (when I worked on a restaurant on the main ave) they take it, then walk into the liquor store.

"The gift certificate or gift card is a great idea" I used to think so, until I saw a few try to sell them (assumingly for drugs/booze).

Really best thing to do is from Steve Wagner's post: buy the food & sit down with them & having contact/addresses for other services handy is good also. And pray for them, even if you're just driving by!

This is a touchy subject. The scriptures teach us that we should be open-handed and help the poor. They also teach us that widows should not receive help from the church if they are immoral in any way. We can take from the scriptures that we are not to be stingy and we should be willing to help and share with those less fortunate, but I do not believe we should be giving to the immoral and ungodly which actually enables them to continue in their lifestyle. In this country the blessings are so abounding that it is hard to find someone who is in bad shape and it is not because of immorality. There are exceptions of course such as handicapped people. Go to any third world country and you find people who work all day and still do not have enough to make it. There you have a lot of legitimate needs to "share the wealth." Of course every hardship can be traced back to sin somewhere in history so we cannot refuse to help the unfortunate because they are not perfect, but I do believe we need to use wisdom and help those who are willing to help themselves. If someone who is "down on their luck" refuses counsel, spiritual help or life changes they are not ready to be fed and no where do you see anyone doing so in the scriptures. One last thought is that compassion ministries that reach out and meet needs regardless of the spiritual condition of the people are very important because they are an evangelism tool that reaches out and finds those diamonds in the ruff who are willing to change and yield to Christ's righteousness.

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