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« Pigfest Postscript #1: Should Christians Apologize For Telling The Truth? | Main | A Spirit of Fear? »

January 23, 2006


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For those of us who are new to this site, what is a centurion?

A Centurion is someone who has been trained by the Wilberforce Forum of Prison Fellowship Ministry to engage culture for Christ's glory and righteousness.

Here is description of the one year training program:

Here is a letter written by Mike Snyder which further amplifies the mission of the Centurions.

Great summary, Jeff. Hopefully I will write soon about the weekend.

You are right about boa. What was that with Shawshank? That was the fastest and deepest summary of a film I have ever heard!

Your midget friend,

Thanks, but your link did not work. Is this what you meant:

Hey, I just thought I would let you know I have now officially visited your blog. Sounds like you received a 'Scooby Snack' at the conference.

'Cliff has left the blog'

My bad on the link.

Check out the articles on The Centurions

I did get some scooby snacks, but it was not the standing ovation ... that was meant as humor. I'll have to tell you that story off-line.

We missed you at Centurions.

Thanks for making your once-a-year appearance on my blog. We would love to have you and wifey at my February Pigfest, btw. You would make a fantastic Pigfester ... especially on issues involving the Christian worldview of government.

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