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February 27, 2006


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What is TULIP again?

Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perserverance of the Saints

Aaaargh! Another book I have to buy! :-)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Calvinism require a belief in double predestination?

(BTW, thanks for your latest entries on the CADRE Comments. I especially enjoyed the bit about the begging the question fallacy fallacy. Well done.)

"I especially enjoyed the bit about the begging the question fallacy fallacy."

Thanks, I hope it helps.

"doesn't Calvinism require a belief in double predestination?"

Precision is critical with your question. Define exactly what you mean by "double predestination" -- I think I know, but I want to make sure (and others may not understand what you are asking).

"Aaaargh! Another book I have to buy! :-)"

I'll loan you my copy -- your wifey is probably already upset with me for causing you to overrun the family book budget. :-)

Double-predestination, as I understand it, is the belief that some people have been chosen for heaven and some people have been chosen for hell. These decisions are made prior to their births. (Of course, I don't have a background in Calvinism, so I would welcome your enlightening me if am mischaracterizing what double-predestination is).

The topic of double predestination can be a heated one depending on how it is depicted. It is a nuanced discussion, and difficult to tackle in a comment thread.

I invite you to read an essay by RC Sproul called Double Predestination. It is loaded with big theological words -- so be like me, read it slowly and twice through ;-)

That article by Sproul is a good one. The major confusion comes because Calvinists do believe that God saves sinners by no merit of their own and God ordained this before the creation of the universe. This also means that God didn't choose some sinners to be saved (he chose some and didn't chose others). The (logical) confusion is this - "not choosing some to be saved" isn't the same as "choosing some not to be saved." (IOW, "I do not choose X" is different than "I choose not-X.") I would call the later "double predestination." It is an active choosing of who is and who isn't saved. As Sproul points out, though, the standard Reformed view is that they aren't both "active" - there isn't a "strict parallelism" between the two. God actively regenerates some, while leaving others to sin and misery.

Here is a good webpage also. The discussion on not confusing the motives and the grounds of God's decrees is important, I think:

"The term "predestination" is sometimes used more generally and at other times more particularly of specific intents toward a limited class of objects. This has caused much miscommunication among those debating this issue.

The grounds and motives for election and reprobation are often confused. The motive for election and reprobation are to be found in the independent good pleasure of God alone. Otherwise this would make his decrees and purposes dependent upon something outside of himself. The grounds for his election and reprobation is everywhere presented as something judicial. The grounds for election is the atonement provided by Christ. The grounds for the condemnation of the reprobate is everywhere presented as the individual's guilt. If the judicial grounds of the decrees are confused with the motives of God then conflicts are to be expected."

This is another reason whythere isn't a parallel between the predestination and reprobation. The grounds for each of them is different.

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