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March 17, 2006


"Duke is taking it all" sounds like a good Pigfest topic!

Wish I could make it, but at this stage, it doesn't look good.

Just got home from watching NCAA round 2 from the coliseum in Greensboro. A few observations:

1) Duke fans are rude and obnoxious. One tried to pick a fight with me. Now remember, I have to "team" clothes on and this guy (all decked out in Blue Devils junk) is leaving our row, turns to me and tells me he wants to punch me in the face. Go figure. It would have been very bad for him ... it was most likely going to be a quick stun to the brachiel region to the neck. Cooler heads prevailed. I gave him a steely eye squint and he pushed past and left.

2) JJ is a sneaky player. He gets the calls. At one point he literally held a GW player by the waist and the refs called a foul on the GW player.

3) OK, JJ has a pretty jumper.

4) Coach K works the refs like NOBODY I have ever seen. Duke gets the calls. Even my dad, a former college hoops ref, remarked that he has never seen such a disparity as to how the game was called.

5) You will NEVER see Duke gear on me!

Anybody but Duke.


"Duke fans are rude and obnoxious."

Sorry you had a bad experience with some idiots who were Duke fans. I have yet to find a team that has zero obnoxious and rude fans.

"Cooler heads prevailed."

Good. I don't think you would have felt it was right or worth it if you had laid the kid out -- seriously.

"At one point he literally held a GW player by the waist and the refs called a foul on the GW player."

I watched the game and must have missed this. I did see the elbow Shelden Williams threw tho -- but watching the replay, it looked less flagrant than it did in live action. I wouldn't put it past JJ to hold a GW player tho -- those guys were fast and could jump through the roof. I never claimed JJ was sinless -- just that he had a pretty jump shot and that I would miss watching him play in a Duke uniform.

"Coach K works the refs like NOBODY I have ever seen. Duke gets the calls."

I have to agree with you on this one. Here is the question -- why don't other coaches watch, learn and emulate? Seriously. Many great coaches work the refs. I think all coaches should do that, don't you?

"You will NEVER see Duke gear on me! Anybody but Duke."

Where is the love? Every team has some idiot fans who paint their faces and say stupid things. Duke is no exception -- their's just happen to score 1550 on their SAT. No grace BWB? C'mon, who are you going to cheer for, Nova? :-)


"Wish I could make it, but at this stage, it doesn't look good."

No problem. There will be other Pigfests. We will miss having you.

That's really the rub ... it's all about grace. Learning to look at the nuts and love them in the manner that God loves us, warts and all. I enjoyed the games at some level, the basketball really was amazing. It is wild to be able to see the entire floor instead of what is shown on TV.

As far as the emulation of Coach K, my dad's comment (after seeing one ref spend the ENTIRE T.O. talking with K), was "My call, you can agree or disagree, but one more word and it's a T." That's how he did it back in the day. I was amused. I would love to see K's reaction if he got popped with a technical at some point. He is a master motivator.

Oh man, it's time to get ready for church.


PS One of the most famous quotes of Gichen Funakoshi (founder of Shotokan Karate, my style) was "the greatest victory is not to defeat 1,000 enemies in battle, but to walk away from one fight."

See you on Friday... me and three good friends.

Excellent. Just curious -- how would you feel about one of the Trinity fellows tagging along with you (Courtney) ... be honest ... are you guys too rowdy on that car trip for a young lady to accompany you?

Also, could you please bring that blueberry dessert again -- it was a cake of some type -- don't know where you got that, but it was incredible. :-)

You brought it to the 1st PF in January.

Bye Duke!

Where is the love?

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