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May 17, 2006


Well said. When I was digging into the life of Blaise Pascal I often told people that I was allowing myself to be mentored and shaped. I think I still fail, but he provides lots of great insight and life lesson.

Man is a relational creature. The second we say we have no mentors, or no need of mentors, we begin to cut ourselves off from the body of Christ.

We also need those who inspire us in the here and now. Chuck Colson inspires me as I know he does for you.

Good post. I will have to add this book to my every growing pile of books. My wife is about to ban me from

Great thoughts! I spoke this past Sunday on the necessity of "Spiritual Parents" within the church. This type of mentoring/discipleship seems to be lacking.

I'm currently being mentored by a man named Isaac Watts. And yes, it is historical.

Any recommendations on historical mentors for those inclined to be hermits?

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