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July 10, 2006


In Him we live, and breath, and have our being...we can't follow except by Him. And He will be sure we do, bringing the works He started to completion on His Day. We are on the journey in Him, His body, His Bride not following as hopeful wanna-bees, but as those already arrived.

Very poignant post! I like the John 6 insight.

I beieve I fluctuate between following Christ for the Bread He can give me and following Christ for the Bread He is. I would like to think that most of the time I am striving soley for the deeper union life. But I am not sure if the Lord would agree. ;-)

Another thought I had about the John 6 passage (which I am sure others have thought of before now) is that it was when the disciples decided to travel without Jesus that the storms came.
I wonder if they should have followed Jesus to the mountian so that they might have had a "Mountain-top" experience, instead of a stormy one. It just says that Jesus went to the mountain by himself, not that He told the disciples to leave Him alone. Could they have followed? Could we?

Just a thought.

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