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August 26, 2006


Jeff, thanks for pulling together and highlighting these resources.

My girls are still relatively young (ages 7 and 5). When we read a book or watch a video with them, we often ask them questions like: Which character is most like you and why? Or which character did you dislike the most and why?

From there, our discussions tend to move quickly into issues of right and wrong, good and bad. Not only do these sessions present learning opportunities for our girls, they often provide us with new insight into their emotional, intellectual and spiritual development.

I love James Sire and am glad to see you have recommended him. I have read much of his work and own Habits of the Mind, but I have not made it to reading it yet.

My son is turning 5 and is starting to see the world through his own lens and his own application. I have not sat down directly and asked him the questions you suggest, mostly because we are pretty miserly in what we let him watch. But I have been preparing him by memorizing scripture with him...lots of scripture. You would be amazed what a sponge his brain is at 5. He is pulling scriptures we memorized 6 months ago out like it was yesterday.

My end goal is to have him asking himself these questions, and having the strong conscious that is alive to the world around him.

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