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January 22, 2007


What a coincidence! I became an atheist at age thirteen as well. I was a Methodist, though.

Reminds me of "What Dreams May Come" where the following exchange takes place:

Albert: So what is the "me"?

Chris Nielsen: My brain I suppose.

Albert: Your brain ? Your brain is a body part. Like your fingernail or your heart. Why is that the part that's you?

Chris Nielsen: Because I have sort of a voice in my head, the part of me that thinks, that feels, that is aware that I exist at all.

Albert: So if you're aware you exist, then you do. That's why you're still here.

Good example.

I was late to the party. I started having minor doubts at 15 or 16, which I suppressed. I remained devout until about 19 or 20, at which time I swung pretty hard the other way and started calling myself an "atheist." I started off Catholic.

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