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February 04, 2007


I wish I could blog in response to this "spirit of againstness" post but don't have the time~Backburner. You'd probably view me as one of the Againsters without really understanding what I am for. :)


I love listening to Ravi Zacharias! He's one of my favorite speakers. I love Chesterton quotes, too. I've only read one of his books in entirety, though.

"The man of this school goes first to a political meeting, where he complains that savages are treated as if they were beasts; then he takes his hat and umbrella and goes on to a scientific meeting, where he proves that they practically are beasts."

He's always right on.

I detect the "spirit of againstness" all over the internet, among Christians and non-Christians alike. It seems like everywhere you click, someone is debunking or critiquing something, just for the sake of doing it. The contrarianism gets tiring after a while, so I have to turn to more uplifting reading to shake it.

There is a Chesterton Society (

And a Chesterton tv show on EWTN (

Chesterton helped me to see the fullness of truth in the Church

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