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February 17, 2007


Mr D,

Thanks for the note about WW and the AG movie! I am pounding through a recently-purchased copy of Kevin Belmonte's Hero for Humanity and I am amazed by the life, times, and trials of Wilberforce. One of the most unique points I have noted is his ability to work with those of all political parties to further legislation, etc. "Measures, not men." One of his favorite sayings.


Just a heads up to look out for a documentary presented by Moira Stuart (A well-known newsreader in the UK) questioning Wilberforce's central role in ending slavery. Amongst other points, it highlights that he acted to end the slave *trade*, not slavery (though he thought the former would lead to the latter); that a bill Wilberforce had nothing to do with had already ended the slave trade in practice if not in name before his bill became law; that Thomas Clarkson was perhaps as important a figure, though not so visible; that most countries involved in the slave trade consider him important, but not the central figure; and that his elevation to 'hero' tends to mask the atrocities that were committed during the slave trade and after as we focus on this good thing that we did.

I'm making no judgement on these ideas, because I clearly don't know enough to weight them fairly, but it's an interesting watch if you can find it somewhere.

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