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March 04, 2008


Future cosmologists, however, will be shrouded in ignorance.

Well, this assumes that there will still be "cosmologists" around billions or even trillions of years hence. :)

You don't sound too optimistic there ;)

Ha! Tgirsch beat me to it. Human beings won't be around that long.

I'm not sure I'd say that we live in a 'unique' time - the articles saying that if we'd been born just 100 billion years later we'd look around and see nothing. Where I come from 100 billion years is considered quite long!

Where I come from, 13 billion years is a long time ... and that is where we appear in the time line of the history of the universe ... right?

I know, I know. Dumb luck ;)

You guys are depressing me with all this talk about extinction and gloom and doom. C'mon ... where is that "Yes We Can!" optimism?

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