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April 03, 2008


I'm not sure it even makes sense, as stated, although I think I understand what he's getting at -- that we can never really know the truth. We can only get incrementally closer to it by ruling out the obviously false stuff.

I can tell you that from a scientist's point of view, research involves not only showing evidence for an assertion, but also falsifying the alternatives. So, this quote makes sense.

Makes perfect sense to me. Whenever I devise a new experiment or interpret data, most of my time is spent thinking up ways to show that my hypothesis is false.

What has made science so darned effective in the last four hundred years is that it provides a mechanism, albeit imperfect, for identifying our false beliefs and for overcoming our biases in favor of those beliefs.

It's also what makes arguments about particular controversial scientific fields so head-banging-on-the-desk frustrating. Non-scientists often demand The Experiment That Proves It All and are dismissive of argments that appeal to a large body of data. As a wise man once said, proof is for alcohol, not science

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