For you non-techies, != is short hand for "not equals". ;-)
Offering further support that ID != creationism, read CT's weblog post. (note: the context of the CT post implies creationism to mean political activism aimed toward teaching that God created the heavens and the earth in public schools).
The Discovery Institute folks are against teaching ID in public schools because it is not ripe yet. They want to continue the scientific research ... hopefully, under the metascientific heading of design. The philosophers of science still need to work out the details.
Then, there are political activists who are promoting that doors be opened to teaching "the theory of intelligent design" in public classrooms. Here is one such proposed bill in Pennsylvania. It is not clear, to me anyway, who is championing this. Discovery Institute is not behind mandating that intelligent design be taught, but only that negative evidence for Darwinian theory be presented next to positive evidence. BTW, the PA bill (called HB 1007) does not mandate teaching intelligent design - it permits it, and only with board approval. Still, I am not aware of which 'creationist" organization is claiming responsibility.
Then, there is Answers In Genesis (a leading YEC group) who criticizes the intelligent design movement as 'philosophically flawed". They give Intelligent Design a lukewarm response.
Then, there is Reasons To Believe (a leading OEC group) who criticizes the intelligent design movement as "so painstakingly cautious, that naturalism may die of natural causes" before ID ever reaches its goals. They "see a larger challenge to Christianity than naturalism: the challenge of a vague or idiosyncratic spirituality, faith detached from objective truth and legitimate spiritual authority."
Summary: Organizations that promote the teaching of creation models are not enthusiastically supporting the Intelligent Design movement. Further, the major supporter of the Intelligent Design movement (Discovery Institute) is not promoting the teaching of Intelligent Design theory in the classroom. If they were, they would back HB 1007.
Ergo, ID != creationism.