Catez Stevens has some interesting posts and comment threads here and here. The topic is Christian involvement in politics. She asserts that some Christians opt-out of engaging culture in favor of political activism. I agree that political activism is not a proxy for engaging culture.
Some Christians go the other direction -- and claim that no political involvement is warranted. They appeal to the suffering of Christians under the reign of Nero. Were the Christians called to rise up in political revolt? No. They were called to suffer persecution and martyrdom. We are called to likewise -- so the argument goes.
I have trouble with this reasoning. For one, it promotes dualistic thinking. IOW, it promotes the old "sacred / secular" divide. Politics becomes roped off from the rest of life. This, however, does not square with the biblical view of God's sovereignty. Followers of Christ are called to have a complete world and life view -- not one that is three-quarters complete.
Secondly, the role of government according to the Bible is to preserve order, restrain evil and promote justice. In some cases, that involves "bearing the sword" to "punish the wrongdoer" (Romans 13). It seems to me, we ought to work within government toward promoting shalom and restraining evil, and in by so doing be the best possible citizens we can be.
Does this sometimes involve picking up the phone to call my senator -- absolutely.
Does this mean blogging about issues that are hot political topics from time to time -- sure.
Does this mean we withdraw from culture and simply attend political rallies and blog about politics all the time -- of course not.
Does it all come down to "calling"? No. I don't think some Christians are called to care about government, justice, and shalom -- and others are not ... anymore than I think some Christians are called to think, and others are called to feel.
Friends, we need to view life and our involvement in this world more holistically. I think some followers of Christ are far too focused on politics -- and other followers of Christ are not focused enough.
UPDATE: I usually get a comment or two from someone who thinks that I am advocating politics as a means of redeeming culture and transforming lives. I am not. I don't believe that for a second. If you have read other posts I have written on this blog, you would realize that.
The finished work of Christ and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of men and women are what bring about change -- not laws or judges. I realize that.
What I am advocating is that Christians not compartmentalize their lives and cordon off their Christian worldview from certain aspects of life. This is the error I see some Christians making. In their disgust with the "religious right" and the likes of Falwell and Robertson, they advocate a full retreat from any discussion in the public square. They leave a vacuum that Secularists are all too happy to fill. We need a balanced approach to life -- combined with a trust in the sovereignty of God -- to impact lives and culture.