Thanks to those of you who attended the "Contending For the Faith" conference at Friendly Hills Church PCA this past weekend.
I was privileged to teach two breakout sessions. I met some neat folks who love Jesus Christ, love truth, and want to go public with their worldview. I was encouraged by the good turnout ... especially among college age believers.
Praise be to God!
Thanks also to Joe Wirtz, Maurice Hagar and Regis Nicoll for teaching strong breakout sessions. I attended Joe's session (it was outstanding) and heard rave reviews about Maurice's and Regis' sessions. The Centurions were well represented. Dr. Jim Tonkowich also did a terrific job in his talks on the Christian mind. The third talk, "heaven is not our home" was particularly thought provoking for me.
Thanks to Don and Karen Barefoot for their hospitality, and Ed Purgason and the CRIC committee for their energy and perserverance in putting on this project. Well done!
Finally, thanks to my nephew Bryan Strelow for coming along with me. I look forward to the day when I get to sit in the audience and watch you teach others about loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength.