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June 10, 2005


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Why would anyone spoil a beautiful walk in the park with golf? :)

C'mon, I figured you for a golfer :-)

Oh, heavens no. Golf is far, far too frustrating. I'd much rather enjoy the scenery than try to "defeat" it. :)

I'll stick to hiking, thanks.

(Although my last golf shot ever, the one and only time I was ever on a golf course, was a successful 25-foot putt from the fringe...)

Golf is a lot like life - you walk a long way, there are ups and downs, you get the I-have-been-clubbed feeling, and when you are done you go home.


25-foot putt ... wow. Let me know when you are offering lessons so I can sign up.


I have used golf to analogize apologetics ... you are using it to analogize life ... quite interesting. What do you suppose the worm-burner analogizes ;-) ?

Take care :-)

It was a very lucky shot. :) My previous putt attempt involved me taking a divot out of the green (which greenskeepers tend to frown upon...)

The one and only time I played golf, I hit a ball off a tree and smacked some poor lady in the leg.

I don't play golf anymore.


From the rest of us ... including the lady with the sore leg ... thank you for taking up another sport :-)

Perhaps checkers ;-)

Awesome! I hit my best shot ever last week -- a 30 foot sand wedge into the hole for a Bird. These next few weeks I'm teaching in Europe, and will play three different links courses in Ireland -- pray for me!

Oh, and I forgot to mention two archival posts of mine on "Why Life is Like Golf": here and here.

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