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June 16, 2005


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Unbelievers do not need more evidence; they need a worldview transplant.

First: I have a question about your (italicized) comment. What is your view of worldview in relation to the heart. The Bible seems to spend a lot of time focussing on the human heart, and you (as well as myself and many other I come into contact with) seem to spend much more time focussed on "worldview." I am wondering what your thoughts are on this.

I am especially interested because of the language you used. When you say that "they need a worldview transplant" it makes it sound as though a man's worldview is his most important thing.

Second: I would like to hear what Boa says about "the circle," if you wouldn't mind...

My big problem with apologetics is that it is like golf. The point of the game isn't to be right, the point is to win. Those are two different things.

So where the goal ought to be constantly reassessing one's own position in the search for truth, the goal of apologetics seems to be to learn how to deflect arguments that may challenge your particular version of truth.


What is your view of worldview in relation to the heart.

Interesting question.

I view the heart as the deepest part of the soul ... the seat of affection. A worldview is the totality of one's perception of reality. It is a property of the mind ... and the mind is a capacity of the soul, in my view. So the mind and heart are both components of the soul, ... and a worldview is more related to the mind than the heart. Pretty confusing, huh? ;-)

When I talk about a worldview transplant, I am referring to the process of regeneration. In other words, a person's mind must be regenerated, or they will be unable to "see" where the evidence points.

Your point is well taken though ... the heart must be regenerated as well in order for one to come to saving faith. After all, for one to place their trust in Christ, it is an act of both the heart (will) and mind (assent).

Re: to spend much more time focused on "worldview." I am wondering what your thoughts are on this.

I think some do indeed over emphasize the intellect, and some over emphasize feelings.

My view is that we should have balance. I think Christians should focus on both the heart and the mind ... afterall, as Machen once said, the heart cannot accept what the mind rejects. We need to focus on both as we engage the lost.

When I say they "need" a worldview transplant, I don't mean they need that in place of Christ. What they need is Christ, clearly.


I will have to go back and re-read Boa ...

The gist of it was that a transcendant presuppositionalist acknowledges that his starting point is God. He makes no attempt to prove God's existence and makes no apologies for it either.

The reason that this is not problematic is that every other view of reality also picks arbitrary starting points and makes no attempt to prove them either.

At the end of the day ... all views must pick jumping off points ... the question becomes one of coherency. Worldviews are simply compared based on internal consistency, and which make sense given those starting points. Things like the laws of thought and reason do not cohere without presupposing God ... that is the basic gist.

I will take a look at Boa's book when I get home from this biz trip.

Wooo boy! I'm at RTS and agree with you about the pro's and con's of presup. And like you, I'm in the Francis Schaeffer/Colson/Frame camp.

What I most want to underline about what you said is just how useless most presups. are when they actually have to engage an unbeliever because they have no where to start. It's a very important club in the bag as you might say, a solid pitching wedge, but real life is rarely a debating society about our inherent presuppositions. When a presup. can effectively come up with a way of communicating without sounding like a DA before a jury, I'll go whole hog with it, until then it's just a club in the bag.

I'm saving this entry, good stuff.

When a presup. can effectively come up with a way of communicating without sounding like a DA before a jury, I'll go whole hog with it, until then it's just a club in the bag.

What a great quote! :-)

You hit the sweet spot.

Thanks for the bit on the relationship between heart and worldview.

Not that this means anything substantial for you...but I just can't seem to be satisfied with your explanation. (the following is a rant....)

I've always understood worldview to be the outworkings of our heart (it's "faith commitment," "trust," "affections," whatever...then influencing and determining the rest of our lives). I think that it was Herman Dooyeweerd (or Blaise Pascal?) who first presented this view....I'll have to whip out David Naugle's Magnum Opus and re-check that.

If worldview is (almost) solely related to the intellect (ie; the way you rationally make sense of the world around you), as I think you're saying, then it seems to be more of an "ivory tower"/"for the intellectually gifted" exercise. What about the people at my work who were actually surprised that I thought about stuff when I worked...and say that their mind basically goes blank for three hours. Is worldview for them? Can someone's worldview be considered real if it is unarticulated?

We have a group at the University I attend (Redeemer University College) called Kuyper's Cafe. We are a group of people who are loved by God and seek to love him back with our whole beings as we live our whole lives in His presence. A problem we have is always making worldview an intellectual exercise. Always talking about "consumerism," "dualisms," "pluralism," etc. The guys at my work would simply be WAY over their heads! How would a worldview group look for them?

If worldview is (almost) solely related to the intellect (ie; the way you rationally make sense of the world around you), as I think you're saying, then it seems to be more of an "ivory tower"/"for the intellectually gifted" exercise. Can someone's worldview be considered real if it is unarticulated?

I will respond to my own comment.

Obviously, every human being is a rational being. However, it seems that whenever worldviewish things are discussed, they end up being high/scholarly intellectual things that the average Joe just could not follow. (Intelligent Design, Evolution, the faith commitment involved with science, etc...just to take a few off of your site)

I think I'd be more comfortable with your definition if you said that worldview is the rational (articulated or unarticulated) outworkings of your heart's treasure with respect to all of life. (or something along those lines)

Re: "I think I'd be more comfortable with your definition if you said that worldview is the rational (articulated or unarticulated) outworkings of your heart's treasure with respect to all of life. (or something along those lines)"

Works for me :-)

Your concern about over-intellectualization of worldview is valid. So let's start over ....

A worldview is what you believe about reality even if you cannot explain your beliefs to other people.

We all have them ... even non-philosophy majors ... we all believe things, plain and simple.

The reason I like to talk about I.D. and logical positivism, and plausibility structures etc. etc. is because God has called me to reach out to highly intelligent non-Christians who care a lot about science and reason and think that the Christian faith is stupid and unreasonable. I can chart the people God has place in my sphere of influence over the past twenty years, and you would see why I make that claim.

If I felt my calling were to reach out to a different audience, then I would certainly adjust. Does that make sense?

I think worldview schtuff is helpful no matter what your audience. The key is contextualizing your approach ... like the apostle Paul seemed to do. I am sure he did not quote the Greek philosphers when he was speaking to Jewish ditch diggers ... right?

So ... I think your concerns are valid. I share them. I hate that people don't think worldviews are practical. Part of my mission on earth is to show that they are so that Christians can be more thoughtful, gracious and persuasive in how they engage culture.

Does that help, or make you want to rant some more :-) ?

Thank you very much for your patient and clear response to my impulsive rantings.

I hope that you didn't take my reference to the topics of your blog as an accusation that you are over-intellectualizing worldview (and thus making it impractical to "ditch diggers")...I was only trying to point out the fact that in my experience worldview usually seems to be discussed only in that setting. I haven't really every heard anybody talk about worldview in a really practical setting. Maybe this has to be the case in a University/College. (especially in the religion/theology and philosophy departments, where we are discussing the topic of worldview itself and applying it to our intellectual disciplines).

I appreciate your comments as they do help me understand what you mean now! It's awesome that you're following God's call to live Christ in the mission field of intelligent non-believers! May the Holy Spirit empower and guide you in your ministry!

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