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June 30, 2005


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» Youth Discussion Group Starting in Charlottesville from Worldview Warrior
I am leading a discussion group for youth. This discussion group's purpose is to give serious consideration to the serious questions our youth have. The group is meeting weekly and we have decided to kick off the group through the viewing of a few fi... [Read More]



Wasn't it crazy when he is walking across those peoples heads? Certainly a visually rich film. I think I would like to watch it again.

Perhaps I will write a review as well.




Yep. That scene reminded me of the title of the Kutlass song ... "Sea of Faces" ... very creepy.

Incidentally, I picture hell as a very dark place versus the a fiery burning place (which seemingly would be very bright). The film depicted it as a mostly dark place (there were some flames briefly shown).

The picture of headless bodies was a sticky image ... I don't think I can ever forget that. I can still picture Robin Williams apologizing for stepping on people's faces.

Incidentally, I hope you write more movie reviews. Your review of The Hours was quite good.

I enjoyed the movie and thought its depiction of Hell was especially powerful and surprising for a modern/postmodern movie. In some ways I saw Christy's(Robin) story almost as if he were a character out of C. S. Lewis' Great Divorce, but instead of the souls journeying from the outskirts of hell to the outskirts of heaven, this is an example of a deep penetration into hell for the same purpose. In the end, his wife still had to choose, which was consistent with Lewis' allegory.

Hubby hosted a weekly "American Film Club" when we were in Ukraine. It served many purposes, but one key one was introducing worldview ideas for discussion. And some of the discussions were. . . simply amazing.

If you e-mail me some films y'all may be showing, I'll see if we already have vocab words/questions you may be interested in modifying for your use. And, of course, there are several websites that provide that as well. (Hmmmm. . . can't find those bookmarks when I want them. . .)

Using film is a great tool when reaching out to foreign exchange students. It's a low-key relationship building opportunity, along with English skills opportunity. Now with dvds and subtitles, it's even more effective.


The next film on the list is To End All Wars by Brian Godawa.

CT reviewed it here:

Is that one of the films you showed?

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