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« Enthusiastic sobriety? Part 1 | Main | Where is Mr. Dawn Treader? »

October 04, 2005


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Hi there, I just stumbled across your website. I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year now. He was a counselor for the cult in St. Louis for 10 years, until leaving about 2-3 yrs ago. He just turned 30 and his anger and issues of the cult and feeling like he was jipped of 10 years are getting worse. He is starting counseling next week for the 1st time, which Im thrilled about. My question for you, is can you direct me to a website etc that helps family memebers and friends better understand this all so I can be of more support for him? Thank you for you time- Elizabeth

Hello. I posted sometime ago regarding the Meehan programs. I apologize for not answering your questions--however, I did not see your response at the time. I only found this website again tonight--and it seems someone else was asking about it recently.

To answer your questions Dawn Treader, I call it a cult (instead of a scam) because this is a group of people in a position of authority over young people and desperate parents who exert mind-control and advance definite spiritual agendas in the upper ranks. The inner circle of the administration of this program are mostly practicing Wiccans, with a smattering of other new-age spiritual teachings thrown in as well. One major problem is that they call themselves a "non-sectarian program" which they are most certainly not, especially at the staff level (keep in mind that all the primary staff have been involved since they were adolescents who were once clients...)Not only is this unethical, it is illegal. Parents bring their children to these programs having no idea that sooner or later, if the program deems them marketable as counselors, their adolescents will be further indoctrinated with a specific spiritual belief system and groomed for positions as counselors. That, among other things, makes these programs cults.

Secondly, when people ask if I am a disgruntled employee (which I certainly have heard) I say, "You bet I am!" Not because I'm upset at leaving the lowest-paying job I ever had, or because I discovered in the real world that your boss doesn't have a right to control your life (including but not limited to whom you marry, what your sex life consists of, what God you believe in--or not, and whether you and your spouse have a right to have children whenever you and the Lord decide...), or even that it is healthy and appropriate to have friends outside of work and a relationship with your own family. I am a disgruntled ex-employee because I (and many others like me)am so disgusted that I was involved in such an insidious organization that has adversely affected hundreds upon hundreds of families, and continues to until this day. It is my responsibility to make amends in whatever way I can for that horrible error. It is my responsibility to do whatever I can to see to it that it's stopped. That is why I continue discussing it so many years after the fact (in terms of it's practical impact on my life, anyway)--because even as I write this, more kids are being sucked in in several states.

Please also note that although Mr. Meehan officially retired in 2005 (I think?) his website is up and running again in full-force. Every one of these programs has instituted links to him again on their sites. His son-in-law is now doing speaking tours and billing himself additionally as a life-coach, with a new book out. At one of his seminars in Arizona last year, Mr. Meehan was present and participating. All of us said it was only a matter of time before he emerged again, once they felt the "heat was off" on the national news front. And so it goes....same as it has for over 20 years...

For you Elizabeth, there are several websites that are out there to help, if you haven't found them already. The largest is There are links from there to many resources. I am not a poster there, but they will help you find the information that you seek. God Bless....

I too was a part of this program. As a counselor for this program we were taught in the Meehan Institute for Counselor Training why anyone who isn't white is below our intellectual level, and were pressured in to using racial slurs. This included gays. Bob Meehan was the main figure in these training classes, and Clint Stonebraker was there too. The counselor's behind closed doors all used this kind of language, and subscribed to the same beliefs. The clients may never see this but it is deeply instilled in any new trainee. You can see the clips of Bob Meehan on the web site, which include his beliefs about christians. Please DO NOT refer any one to these programs. The kids that work for these programs after being clients really get hurt. The directors all subscribe to the sme beliefs. This is an organization whose staff is indoctrinated by people that they looked up to while in the group. The worst part is that we never heard any of this until we went through training, and then once we got there we were already sold.

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