Where is Mr. Dawn Treader these days? Good question.
- I have been to Covenant College in Lookout Mtn TN/GA and back. Homecoming and board meetings were this past weekend (my wife is a trustee advisor and attends boring meetings while I play with the kids). Great to see old professors and friends ... and to run around campus like an 18 year old again. My kids are really getting to know Covenant College well -- good thing, all four of them are going to Covenant College. It is non-negotiable.
- I have been reading and reading and reading the blog debates among conservatives about Harriet Miers. Olasky and Hewitt have been particularly persuasive. I understand the naysayers on the right who say that Miers should withdraw herself from the process. They have made excellent arguments if you can squelch down the whiny-ness. Still, I like the word that World Magazine used in their lead article this past week ... meek. I like that. I really like that. God uses the humble to shame the proud. I don't think bringing in another conservative flame thrower to the SCOTUS is the answer to restoring judicial humility to the Supreme Court. Often times, we triumph through meekness -- just think of Frodo and Sam ;-). Go Harriet!
- I have been talking with my friend who is a biologist and Phd candidate doing cancer research. He knows a thing or two about molecular systems, DNA and proteins. I asked him about his thoughts on evolution and intelligent design. He is in the process of responding. Stay tuned.
- I am going through a fairly intense time of spiritual formation. God is tilling up things in my soul. I am reading a book called by Francis Schaeffer. I am also preparing to lead a small group on Gospel Transformation. God is using both studies to cause me to re-examine the scriptural teaching of what it means to take up our cross daily. We are to die daily. Through that daily death, we find life. I am finding that there are areas in my life (more than I would like to admit) where I have not died. Pray for God to bring mentors (upward mentors and peer mentors) into my life to help me walk this path.
- I have three sick kids. They have had fevers which are now turning into a respiratory thing. One has missed four days of school.
There. That is where Mr. Dawn Treader has been. Blessings.