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November 08, 2005


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Great words, Jeff. This is a message that we all need to hear.

Spreading good news is easy! It's good news!

As a friend recently put it, "King Jesus is on the throne. We can live for the King today. He will be returning soon!"

How exciting! This is also the reason the Good News is so subversive. It is a message about a new King. He is the true ruler. He entered with mighty power through his death and resurrection. I want to be a herald for the King!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Well, I've got some well-founded theories on how and why this happened, but you're not going to like them. :)

(You won't like them because they have nothing at all to do with the Holy Spirit or with personally witnessed miracles...)


I welcome your well-founded theories on why Christianity spread. I will share a thought of my own on why Christianity spread and later died out.

The Gospel proclamation was subversive to the emperor cult in the Roman world without ever directly assaulting that worldview. The early church was living in community in complete opposition to the way in which the Hellenists around them we living. They loved one another. Sure they had problems but they experienced community that was so foreign to the way of life that had spread throughout the Roman empire.

It was this community that was so attractive. Sure Paul was able to make a logical case for faith in Jesus but it was their lives together that gave this message real meat. They were living for a different King.

How do you think Christianity spread like wildfire? Why did the wildfire stop when Constantine turned Christianity into something official and something you intellectually assended to?

- Brian

"The early church was living in community in complete opposition to the way in which the Hellenists around them we living."

I think its important to note that the early Church was very communisitc. Belonging to a Church provide material benefits to people that the religiosn fo the time did not. Present starving people with food and tell them the food came from God's love, and its a powerful argument.

Also, unless my history is totally off here, Hellenistic society didn't have anything like heaan for all in its religions. that right there is a huge selling point, so to speak.


I never got back to you on this, and for that I apologize. I'll have to sort of phone it in, but there are a number of socio-political factors that were in play. First and foremost, because of Roman imperialism, you had a large disenfranchised populace that was desperate to cling to any hope that came along. Couple that with some brilliant marketing by the founders of the early church, and the marked similarities between Christianity and Mithraism (the latter of which had been around at least a hundred years longer and was especially popular with the Roman soldiers), and the conditions were ripe for a fireball explosion.

The "brilliant marketing" bears spelling out a bit more. For starters, the religion elevated the poor to a status above that of the wealthy. Let's face it, who makes up the bulk of your target audience? Further, the fledgling Christian church made its feast days coincide with existing pagan holidays, and even incorporated some of the pagan traditions, such that a shift to Christianity didn't require a dramatic change in habits and traditions. (This last can still be seen every time you buy an "Easter bunny" or those little marshmallow chicks.)

Obviously, it's a lot more complex than that. But the bottom line is that it had a lot more to do with the populace being ripe for the idea of a risen Christ -- and all that purportedly entails -- than with the truth or falsity of that event.

Then, of course, we can get into the hindsight games involving the competing factions that belie the idea that "the early church" existed as anything resembling a single entity. Much of this can be seen in the scripture -- particularly in the Pauline epistles -- where much ink is spilled discrediting those rival factions (most notably the gnostics, and to a lesser extent, the followers of James).

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